
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Room Rx: A timeless kitchen

A few weeks back I shared here that I was working on a kitchen renovation and I am excited to say that things are really moving along. This update involved opening up walls to make the formal dining room more of an informal eating area and to brighten the entire space up. As of today the mechanicals are done, the drywall work is complete, flooring is next and we are about 2 weeks away from the cabinet install. I shot some photos last week so you can see how light filled the space is now.

The larger of the two openings on the wall in this photo was a wall that previously contained a pantry as well as the refrigerator and now will host a large peninsula and allow the kitchen to flow and relate better with the living room (a room with, up to now, limited use if you know what I mean!)

The wall with single window here will have a banquette flanked by a tall cabinet in either corner

My clients and I are still fine tuning the details of the space,  but here is a partial design concept board to give you a feel for things.  The cabinetry will be a combination of the darker woods with a creamy white, a simple white tile back splash and brushed nickel hardware will round the look out. Like many projects, this one is constantly evolving, so a few things have changed from this board, but you get the idea....

timeless kitchen

When we went to select the granite slab we found this incredible piece, more creamy white than golden beige, perfect for the look we were after...

Ipenema Granite

Instead of one large fixture over the dining table at the banquette, my clients opted for a trio of this gorgeous pendant...

 Which then helped lead us to the appropriate wall color and fabrics...

Fabrics for the banquette cushion and pillows
Stay tuned!  I will keep you posted on the progress and as I've said before, I'm pretty sure "kitchen envy" will be running rampant when this project wraps up.....

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. Love these colors and everything you've picked out so much! I have Construction Envy, which I believe is the precursor to Kitchen Envy. Can't wait to see the finished product! p.s. But you're keeping all the stuff on the counter, right?

  2. are giving me "kitchen envy" too! This is going to be beautiful!!!

  3. Wow Cathy! It looks great so far.. I love how the pendant picks up all the colors. Exciting project!

  4. Whew...amazing how it opened up. They are really going to enjoy that new space and so perfect for entertaining. Thanks for walking us through the progress. I'm loving the pendant and paint color. Can't wait to see more of it. Great work Cathy!!

  5. Hey, Cathy!! Wow, what a difference with those walls gone! So exciting. Love the idea of the banquette. Can't wait to see more, and like Holly said, its so cool to see a project like this mid-progress! Thanks for sharing:)

    Thanks again for co-hosting MBM with me!

  6. Very cool color blocking on the walls. I love how everything was inspired by the light fixture! Can't wait to see the completed project!



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