
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Rx Reader Re-do: covered ottoman

The other day on my facebook wall a longtime, far away friend posted a project that she was inspired to do after reading Room Rx. Robbin owns Interior Gardens  a horticultural services business in the Austin, Texas area. A creative woman, her forte is interior plantscapes, but her business revolves around anything plant related, including holiday decor.

Robbin is using this ottoman as a prop for a holiday display she is doing for one of her clients. Her re-upholstery job involved a 20 year old piece that had seen better days, fabric and a staple gun.

And viola!  Such a simple and effective transformation.

The ottoman will reside in front of "Granny's" chair in this holiday display in downtown Austin.

When the display comes down, she is going to re-cover the ottoman with a fabric more appropriate to her personal tastes and use it in her home. You go Robbin, I am happy that my little blog inspired an already creative and talented gal to try something new!

More information and a gallery of the work from  Interior Gardens is just a click away! But here are a couple impressive projects...

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. WOW! Thank you, Cathy for posting this and for the plug for Interior Gardens! We're always looking at new challenges. I think your blog is FANTASTIC and knew if I tried, I could start with something easy like this ottoman. You inspired me to put "new" eyes on "old" pieces.

  2. That's awesome - another reason blogging is so rewarding, inspiring others. That wreath is really beautiful - it's making me excited for holiday decor but I'm holding out until after Thanksgiving.

  3. Very cool! Did she just wrap it like a present and staple it? I have an old ottoman I'd like to easily re-cover somehow.


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