
Friday, February 3, 2012

Fresh Fabrics Friday: Parlour Textiles @ The Foundary

Ok people, I know you are dying to know how things ended up after last weeks FFF post, but it's complicated and being that I am short on time this week, you'll have to come back next week to get the scoop! I wasn't going to post today, but I figured it would just take me a minute to share this fabulous deal...

Remember Parlour Textiles?  I posted about them here. If you love these fabrics and pillows, now is your chance to purchase at a deep discount (half price), the only hitch? you have to belong to The Foundary and you have to act fast, the sale ends at midnight tonight. Here is the link to the sale. If you are not a member of The Foundary, you can sign up here.

  I have never purchased anything through sites like The Foundary, but with all of the great offerings, the temptation is great. How about you? Anyone going to buy themselves a yard or two of these gorgeous fabrics or a pillow cover?
Gotta run...there is a pile in my son's room that he claims is a semester's worth of "stuff" which is "packed" and ready to go.... I need to give it the "Mother's once over."
Have a great week-end, see you back here Monday!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. I'll be thinking of you and wishing you the best for your hoo!

  2. These fabrics are wonderful. Classic with a modern twist. Good luck with your son & happy weekend!

  3. Pretty fabric and pillow! Hope everything goes well with the departure and best wishes to your son!


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