
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Sweet Girl's Nursery: DIY project #1

On Monday I gave you a little "look see" of this diamond in the rough...

Let's satisfy your curiosity by sharing the transformation shall we? ......Are you ready...? Here she is...

Remember the inspiration fabric?

Jesse is a pretty talented girl, so with a little encouragement from me, look at how she interpreted the pattern on the drawer fronts....

Didn't she do an amazing job?

Yes those are the fabric baskets that I made for this "Sweet Baby Girl!" And before I cute are these?!

Along with the adorable Mary Jane's, do you suppose "they" crochet mini Converse sneakers for boys?!!!

Hope you are having a great week. My son and I managed to shop for the remaining items needed for his semester away without "incident," (you parents of teenagers know what I am talking about), he is knocking off  the things on his "to do" list and so am I. T- minus 3 days until Saturday's send off.... now, if only he would pack!

Linking up to:
Saved by Suzy

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. how cute is that! i love it! so sweet for a nursery.

  2. Wow, Jessie is talented - did she do that all free hand? Props to the Mom to be that's for sure! And I see that pretty rug peeking through and those fabric baskets are awesome - what a special gift you gave her. Will you be sharing more about your son's school? I'm so curious about it.

  3. The dresser/changing table is lovely.
    I had to laugh about shopping with teenagers. I try to shop by myself and return things they don't like to avoid shopping with the picky things.

  4. It is SO sweet! What a beautiful job she did, it will give the room such a high-end custom look!

  5. Absolutely GORGEOUS. And, your baskets are so cute! :)

  6. The dresser looks so pretty, love it!! Nothing like working on a nursery, the best! Janell

  7. I love a good furniture redo, and that is a great one! Your niece is very talented...she did an amazing job on the painting. If you get a chance, will you link this to my party tomorrow? I know a lot of my readers enjoy furniture before and after pics too.

  8. It's so beautiful!!! I love the hand-painted memorable for a mom to do that for her little baby girl! Wow, must have missed the post on those fabric baskets you made - they are really cool!

    Ps. Just finished watching this week's episode of the Bachelor! I'm totally stumped as to why he sent home who he did (in the rose ceremony - not Elyse on the boat)...Jen was once of my favorites:( to be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about Ben or this season. I do know I don't like Courtney at all!!!! What do you think so far?

  9. Love that precious design on the drawer fronts. Thanks so much for visiting First Come Flowers.
    don't be a stranger. Not sure about the Converse, but those Mary Jane's are just too cute for words.

  10. Oh my gosh - HOW beautiful Cathy! I love it - so sweet and pretty!

  11. That is the more adorable dresser ever!

  12. So pretty. Jessie did a beautiful job with the hand painted details. Love it.

  13. This dresser is amazing! It would have been beautiful just painted white, but the pink handpainted accents make it extra special. Great job, Jessie! The whole nursery looks adorable.

  14. She is very talented. I have a baby blanket in that adorable pattern and she has done a great job on the dresser. Adorable accesories, Cathy!


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