
Friday, March 30, 2012

Fresh Fabrics Friday: Collegiate Prints

Shortly after I started blogging on Room Rx I created a Cathy Wall Designs facebook page. Like supportive family members do, my kids, nieces, nephews and others "liked" my CWD page and now get my regular posts in their news feed. I'm sure they mostly ignore what is going on over at Room Rx, clicking instead on stories and photos from from friends, and more "interesting" posts.

 Apparently my nephew Charlie is paying attention (at least to my headlines) as it has become a bit of a joke between us when he asks me what is on "Fresh Fabric Friday" this week or can name a feature from a week or two back.  So this week "Fresh Fabrics Friday" is dedicated to him and fabrics he might actually use! Charlie attends Michigan State University, as did his Dad, his Mom and uncle are University of Illinois grads and I graduated from Iowa State so  I was able to find fabrics to represent all of those schools.  And of course since Charlies loves a little rivalry, and we live in Madison, I threw in  some University of Wisconsin prints.
collegiate prints
Click on image below to go to link:

So what does one do with these fabrics?  I figured the creative people over on Etsy would have tons of ideas and I was not disappointed. Check out my finds....

Two alma maters in one household? No worries, this cute teddy solves that. Wouldn't this be perfect decked out in the green and white of State and the blue & orange of U of I?
Someday Charlie, you'll have kids, maybe your Mom will make you one of these in those great State fabrics....
sew cute in az on etsy

Or maybe a quilt.... 
crazy wicked stitch on etsy

Love this "dog scarf!" Probably need to get a dog first though... do college guys have dogs?! 
Golden Needle crafts on etsy

There is always a pillow for your sofa. You do have a sofa in your apartment...???

Now here is a project even you college boys can do, I linked up the tutorial below, so don't be afraid to give it a try! What co-ed wouldn't be impressed with the craftiness of a guy who can make one of these?

So there you go Charlie!!!  Let me know what else you would like to see here on "Fresh Fabrics Friday," I'm sure I can oblige.

For the rest of my readers, if you are not already a follower of Room Rx on facebook,
I would love it if you click over and "like" me there!

Gotta run....I have a little project I am working on for my own home and you know me and my DIY-ADD, if I don't get after it, it won't be done until November (and that would be a little post peak for this project to say the least).  Stay tuned, I'll be sharing it with you all very soon!

Enjoy your week-end my friends!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. I quickly thought quilt when I saw these fabrics all together. And what a nice shout out to your nephew. I was just contemplating my FB page as well - it doesn't get a ton of action but it's a nice way for my friends and family in real life to see what's going on with my blog. My friend Jo-Lynne actually did a great post on using FB from a conference she attended down in Nashville - maybe I'll incorporate that next week because FB just seems like a process to me sometimes and not as interactive as I would like. Ok, I'm blabbing - have a good one Cathy!

  2. Some of those projects made me smile...the carseat??? Have a good weekend Cathy. Looking forward to seeing your project.

  3. Just liked your FB page and love this post, lol. The carseat cover is and dog jacket are killing me. So clever!

    Have a great weekend.

  4. What a nice aunt you are!! Great post, Cathy!! Have fun working on your project! The UPS lady just got here with the rug I ordered from Overstock, can't wait to check it out:)

  5. Great ideas, Cathy, I am sure your nephew will have all his buddies following you, soon!

  6. Well aren't you a fun aunt! How cute that he reads your blog, I wonder if he impresses anyone special with his knowledge of design?! :)


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