
Monday, April 2, 2012

My Office - Almost there!

My own home is much like the "cobbler's kids," it's the last thing to get attention, rooms and projects can go unfinished for what seems like an eternity and our office update is no exception.  This is especially the case when things are just done enough to make them functional, but not "reveal worthy." And that is where the office is today.... I'm nearly there, but not quite ready to share, I do however have a little project that I recently completed in there that I wanted to show you....

As you will recall, this is where my office began about a year ago when I started dreaming about giving it a make-over....
Here we are last Fall after a bit of demo (buh bye hunter green, built in, awkward desk), some paint and some moving of furniture....

I used painter's drop cloths and some left over fabric on hand to make panels for the windows... 

A "snappy" memo board was put together using more of the painter's drop cloth and some nail heads... 

My latest project involved updating the tired, dated cabinet doors on the built in...

After wrestling with a variety of ways to up date those doors, I decided the best thing to do was to get rid of them and replace them with, you guessed it, painter's drop cloth panels! I used inexpensive cafe rods ($3.29 ea.), cut the drop cloth to fit and used the accent fabric to make the rod pockets. The look I was after was clean and simple, no fullness or gathers, just easy to move panels to hide away the least used "stuff" in the office..

Just a few little things left to do in there before I give you the full reveal (which actually at this point involves only one wall that you have yet to see!) The good news is that the space is fully functional and I have been a very good girl about keeping it neat and organized, for the most part!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. Those cafe panels that you added with the snazzy trim are awesome! A custom look for a fraction of the price and you can still hide all of your "stuff" under there. I can't even tell you the number of projects that I'd like to finish around our house. Our master is getting there but still needs work and then today I posted about our basement, which we're actually very motivated to move on because we need the space desperately. Hope you had a great weekend!

  2. it is looking so good! i love the cafe panels, too! i love the softer palette- it's so pretty!

  3. Painter's drop cloths? It's official--you're my coolest friend. Who can make something so utilitarian as a painter's drop cloth look so darned cool? My friend Cathy, that's who! This is a fantastic work space. You're my hero.

  4. LOVE the new panels, the unexpected zebra trim gives it (and the drapes) a fun touch of pizazz! The paint color on the back of your bookcase is a great update, too! You've come a long way!

  5. Very great makeover! I love the curtains and shelving unit panels! so snazzy!

  6. What a great makeover, thus far. I love the drop cloth panels. What an affordable way to get a custom look.

    Looking forward to seeing the rest of your reveal.

    Have a great Monday!

  7. You have got a lot accomplished in this room, Cathy. I am sure you are thrilled with the results and not only does it look good and is functional but you have kept it organized which is the key to such a space where a multitude of tasks are performed.

  8. Those panels are genius! That room is looking so great and organized! A dream come true, for me. :)


  9. Hey, only one year...that's nothing! By the time most of us "finish" the house, it will be time to re-freshen everything. Love the curtains.


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