
Monday, September 17, 2012

10 Things: striped powder room

This powder room dressed in blues made me do a double take. I love it's classic, yet fun feel and the color palette. Below I have listed  9 "things" that speak to me about this space, what will you add to my list to make it 10...??? 

 Martyn Lawrence Bullard

1) Unique, dressing table style style vanity
2) Green Shutters covering the tall, narrow windows
3) Round mirror between the windows
4) Horizontal striped wallpaper which makes the space appear wider
5) Stool under vanity
6) Vintage Moroccan floral fabric on stool
7) Repetition of oil rubbed bronze finish on stool, mirror and accessories
8) Large scale floor tiles 
9) Bold pink flowers for a pop of color
10) ????

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. how about the oversize tile in a small space. :)

  2. I like that a round mirror was chosen for between the windows because most people would look at that and probably think they need to shimmy in a rectangular or ornate type mirror between the windows, but the circular mirror is great for that wall and balances everything well. Hope you enjoyed your weekend and your dinner out!

  3. Holly's point is great. I'm loving all those textures - basket, legs on the stool, wood vanity, louvers!Wondering if that fabric had anything to do with you choosing this photo? :)

  4. 10. The mood of the space! Fresh, casual, layered - all makes you feel great!

    Love this picture - pinning it!

  5. I LOVE the mirror in that space -- such a great juxtaposition between the two skinny windows. No. 10 for me is the pretty grey-blue door and molding that you can see in the mirror. Just tops the gorgeous space off, I think :)


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