
Friday, September 14, 2012

Fresh Fabrics Friday: a chair transformation

Remember these? The fun Mid Century chairs that my CSIL and I picked out when I visited her new home in Kalamazoo, MI in May?

Well they got a little update with some striking, menswear style fabric. Lucky for us, this good looking fabric has been discontinued, so we got it at a great price (if you like it, Stout still has 15 yards in stock...!)

Needless to say I am pretty pleased with the result,

And yes, I am a tease, because I am not showing off the whole room just yet, still a couple of details to be wrapped up..... soon, my friends, soon!

 The weather here is feeling very Fall-like, which has me breaking out the sweaters and adding extra blankets to the beds. My hubby took the day off, so while the kids are at school the parents will play...! Did I mention it is our anniversary? We'll celebrate with a long bike ride and a nice dinner out at a "new to us" eatery.
What are your plans for the week-end ahead? Whatever they are, enjoy!

Linking up to:

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. Happy Anniversary to you and how great to have your hubby home for the day - enjoy your weekend! And sounds like a nice dinner out too - how fun. And what a great choice of fabrics for these chairs - the fabric is a classic and your CSIL will enjoy these chairs for a long time. They look really comfy too. I see some goodness going on the room too - can't wait to see more.

  2. i love the after! so classic and sorta campy, too! very masculine- great job!

  3. gorgeous!!!! love love those chairs!
    Great job

  4. Love that fabric. What a great makeover!!

  5. Looking fabulous! I love those chairs and I have some very similar that I'm about to redo. I normally paint the frames but I'm loving the natural wood on these. Hmmmm....

  6. Happy Anniversary! I hope you and your hubby have a great day :).

    I love this chair update, and I'm so excited to see the rest of the room. The curtain fabric is fantastic!

  7. Happy Anniversary ~ what a fun day you have planned! Love the Ralph Lauren looking plaid you chose (can't wait to see what other patterns it gets paired with) and all of that goodness I spy, those drapes, nesting tables, rug!!

  8. Gorgeous chairs - they looks sizable and very comfortable. I love the fabric. I love the look of menswear fabric on solid, masculine-like piece of furniture and this one looks magnificent. What a great find!

  9. That fabric is perfect for that chair. It is like they were meant for each other. Very cool.


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