
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Custom Mosaic Floor

I just had to share this photo that arrived in my e-mail yesterday of a custom mosaic floor that will be getting installed in a client's small, narrow powder room.We had such fun creating this and I am so excited to see the space come together. The pattern in the mosaic will be mimicked in a stained glass window at the back of the room, making the room's focal point the repeated pattern, not it's size or function.

My client and I worked with Scott at The Tile Gallery in Chicago. The product offering there is incredible! I'll keep you in the loop as the project wraps up.

Life continues to be crazy busy here, so while I am back to blogging, as you can see I am off to a sporadic start....
Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. Wow Cathy - that's awesome. How or what inspired you guys to create that? I'm so curious how you arrived at such a cool feature for this project. Have a good day.

  2. Gorgeous! Does she already own the stained glass or are you having it made? Love that it will be in the powder room on 'display!'

  3. Wow, this is GORGEOUS! Will we get to see the finished room? I'd love to see how it all comes together. Thanks for sharing :)

  4. I don't care how sporadic you are, I love that you are back! The mosaic is so cool; it must have been so fun to create. Best of luck juggling everything!
    xo Nancy

  5. That’s a beautiful thing you did to your tiled floor! You definitely have an eye for art and details. I particularly like how realistic and accurate you were with the depiction of the flamingoes. I bet that would look great on a wall in the living room!


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