
Monday, October 22, 2012

A pumpkin welcome

We have new neighbors on our street.They have not actually moved into their home yet as they have been working diligently to give their 1970's Dutch Colonial a little face lift by updating bathrooms, replacing carpeting, painting and the like. I wanted to make them feel the neighborhood love, but wasn't sure when they would be at the house, so baked goods or a welcome basket would not do. Then the idea hit me, a pumpkin! But not any old pumpkin, a "Welcome" pumpkin!

So out came the black paint and a bit of twine and voila... 
the "welcome" pumpkin!

This is my kind of project....quick and fun with great results.

It looked pretty festive in my foyer too... I considered doing another but time would not allow, so off it went to my new neighbor's porch.

They were quite delighted and so was I. Such a simple way to make someone "feel the love."

How was your week-end? The weather here was glorious, perfect for raking leaves, a long bike ride and the neighborhood bonfire. And, sadly, the last cross country meet my oldest will run as a high school student. Suddenly I am struck by the fact that not only will the coming year yield many new and exciting changes for him, but also many lasts. Bittersweet.... but that is how life is no?

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. Great idea, and your handwriting looks like it came from a cool boutique! We can't even keep up with the raking, every time we come home the driveway is covered...again! Bittersweet is right, luckily you have your two backups! :)

  2. I would be so happy if you were my neighbor. I hope our next home brings a warm and inviting neighborhood. I think that's one of things that I get nervous about for our next home is not knowing who our neighbors will be. But a welcome like this would bring a big smile to my face - so thoughtful of you. Have you gotten a peek at some of their renovations? I bet it is bittersweet for your oldest and his last and firsts approaching. My brother got inducted into his college athletics hall of fame yesterday. It was a great event and certainly brought back many fond memories for him and my family. Good stuff!

  3. What a sweet way to say welcome! And, it was especially nice of you to reach out .... I don't think many people do that anymore, but it's so great to actually know your neighbors :)

  4. This is such a great idea! Did your neighbours love it? Thanks for linking to the pumpkin parade.


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