
Friday, October 19, 2012

Fresh Fabrics Friday: spicy hues for a client

Playing with fabrics is one of the things about my job that I love most. My latest project has offered lots of opportunity to do that. With the starting point of this client's living room being a lovely rug she recently purchased, the major work in the space involved selecting a sofa and pair of chairs in appropriate fabrics to work with the rug and provide the foundation for the rest of the design. CR Laine is a product line that is offered by a local retailer Willow Creek, and so has been my go to brand for many projects. They have a fabulous assortment of fabric options and beautifully designed, well made upholstered furniture. 

We selected the Leighton Apartment sofa

and a pair of Mason chairs.

My client fell in love with the red herringbone fabric and so we chose that for the sofa, a bold and fun choice! The tweed in the bottom right of the photo will go on the chairs.

Both the sofa and chairs come with pillows (down!) and CR Laine allows the use of a companion fabric, no matter the grade, to be included in the price. The "check" in the middle below will be the sofa pillows. When these photos were taken we were still working out the rest of the room's fabrics, but I can tell you the red cotton with the embroidered leaves is part of our plan!

The furniture is on order, the room has been painted and window treatments are in progress! Come back next week and I'll share my overall plan for the room. 

In the meantime have fun this week-end. We have one last cross country event tomorrow, sectionals. My oldest will close out his high school career in that race, so it will be exciting, but bittersweet. Tonight the boys dine in style at Olive Garden then will be back at our house for movies and dessert. Don't worry, there will only be 10 of them, not 100 like last week!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. What a fun client, can't wait to see the red sofa and all that you have planned ~ what beautiful pieces you've chosen so far. Aww, why do these guys have to grow up, enjoy entertaining the gang!

  2. Such a fun mix of fabrics! I LOVE the sofa choice and I think it's great that you also brought in a green and white fabric (which I also think is beautiful, btw). I'm excited to see this room take shape!

  3. You know my satisfaction level with CR Laine so I have no doubts these pieces of furniture are going to look outstanding in your client's home. And the fabric choices are awesome Cathy - the one tweed fabric was a contender in my LR project. Enjoy the meet this weekend!

  4. Can't wait to see the final product. I love the design process!

    Love, Jamie Herzlinger

  5. Such great choices. I like how you pulled in lots of texture.


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