
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Room Rx: A Jazzy Rumpus Room

Imagine fixing up your basement family room, just as your kids are fleeing the nest, what a great way to be sure they come back, right? Or, what a great space to host some grown up fun, which is just what this client and her husband were after now that the space would be more available for them to use. Ping pong, poker, darts, ball games on TV and maybe a bit of Dance, Dance, Dance on the Wii, it all sounds like fun, no?!

First up, major drywall repair and the build out of a bar area, then on to the fun stuff, an updated, cohesive seating area. A collection of framed Jazz Fest posters was the inspiration for the space, lending bright color and a lively vibe. 


My plan for this rumpus room gives a good shot of color with a bold rug and bright textiles, complementing the vibrant posters and echoing the fun loving nature of the clients. Different zones, including the bar area,  room for games and TV viewing, flow together with use of the posters.

A Jazzy Rumpus Room

Done on a budget, nothing is too precious in this space, (like the barstools found curbside) because grown-ups like to have fun and can get a little crazy too....!
With the "dirty work" complete, we are in the "pulling it all together" stage. I should have some after photos soon so stay tuned.

Don't forget to enter my NOVICA giveaway if you have not already. 
Who can't use a $75 gift card, to a company with a great purpose, to help with their holiday shopping?

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. I love all the colors! Can't wait to see how this one turns out.

  2. PARTY, PARTY, PARTY!!! Oh my gosh, can't wait for this one!

  3. Oh, this room is going to be so awesome! I love the idea of a basement ruckus room in general, and your mood board is so fun!

  4. This is so much fun! I love when people identify and want to update a space for themselves that really shows their personalities. Those Jazz Fest posters are awesome - what a nice little collection to have in the space. Can't wait to see more of this one Cathy.

  5. Can I come to their first party?! This room is so fun!! Love the jazz posters, I think good rooms become great when anchored by something that the homeowners really love/is personal to them. Oooh, I really like that blue and white floral chair with everything!

  6. So fun and colorful. This is going to be a great room and a fabulous place for the family!

  7. I love the posters in there, so fun and colorful!
    xo Nancy


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