
Friday, November 30, 2012

Fresh Fabrics Friday: Jonathan Adler for Kravet

Today I was going to share progress on my Spicy Hues project but I can't upload any photos because Blogger is telling me I am at capacity and that I need to buy more Picasa photo storage. Have any of you had this problem? So much for a free platform.....
maybe it is time to make a switcheroo...
So today you get and installment of Fresh Fabrics Friday which I haven't done in a bit.
 Kravet is offering some of the most fun fabrics by Jonathon Adler, have you seen them? 
Oh. My. Word! Could you just die?

Typical Jonathon Adler sass and boldness both in color and pattern, here are a few I love...

You likey? How and where would you use them?

Last but not least, we have a winner in the Novica Giveaway!
My random "name drawer" 
(a bowl with a paper entry for each participant and a blindfolded drawing at breakfast this morning by my youngest, 
yup, I am so high tech)
tells me it is:

Cynthia said...
LOVE the glass tortoise shell tumblers! Great site!
November 26, 2012 8:18 AM

Congrats Cynthia, I can't wait to hear what you do with your GC!
Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. Someone just brought up the same question about the photo space in my PSMM Facebook group. I'll have to read the feedback and let you know what they said, but I also think it's very strange that I've heard this from at least 4 people in the last week or so. Seems a little fishy. Anyway back to fabric :) I was just thinking this morning if you were going to be bringing this series back as it was always a favorite of mine. Jonathan Adler = fun!

  2. Blogger got me! I caved in and purchased additional storage space. Annoying!

    Love Jonathan Adler!

  3. I had to buy extra storage a couple years ago -- sooooo annoying.

    I love this fabric -- so fun! The star gazer one is just so cool. LOVE! :)

  4. Now I'm worried about space. These fabrics are fantastic. How expensive is the extra storage space?

  5. I saw these in our local Kravet showroom and about fell over.

    Now if I can just find a client who is willing to channel Palm Beach in Denver...

  6. I bought space quite awhile ago, it's $5. Onto the fun stuff ~ those fabrics are amazing. I'd do chairs with using Acid Palm and Star Gazer on the backs! :)

  7. Love the Adler line of fun!
    xo Nancy


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