
Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Wonderland!

We got walloped with snow yesterday! Madison had somewhere between 16-18" fall between Wednesday night and this morning. Dropping temperatures and high winds created blizzard conditions and added to the "fun." (I read this morning that there were drifts of snow nearly 10 feet high in nearby areas.) Virtually the whole city was shut down yesterday and today we have a second snow day, delighting the kids and probably frustrating a few parents who are not quite ready for Christmas. 

This was the view out our front door captured by my son yesterday as we began our first round of shoveling. The snow was wet and heavy, accumulating as quickly as we removed it. In all we cleared our driveway and walks 4 times, family fun for sure!

 I think I missed the memo for proper snow clearing apparel, but my youngest didn't!

Love this time lapse video created by some clever friends of my kids, it captures the extent of the storm and makes me feel festive all at once! Nice job Jill and Melissa!

Today the sun is shining and the snow is beautiful, a Winter Wonderland for sure. I am off to finish my holiday cards and cookie baking... Later, I will need to sneak around my house to do some last minute wrapping, undetected. 

I'll be taking some time off to enjoy being with family and friends over the next couple of weeks so I'll be posting sporadically, if at all. But I do want to tell all of you how much I appreciate your stopping by each day and wish you all the happiest of holidays and best for the coming year!

From my house to yours....

XOXO Cathy


  1. Love your darling family photo! So jealous of that snow piling up, I was thinking of all of you ~ enjoy a cozy day and the Merriest Christmas to all of you!

    Cute video! :)

  2. A wonderful family photo - but you need to paste yourself into it ;) That snow looks awesome and "fun" for sure all that shoveling. Enjoy your time off and Merry Christmas Cathy!

  3. Well it got cold here in Atlanta....but no snow for us! Merry Christmas Cathy:)

  4. We only got 3-4 inches. Great photos! Have a Merry Christmas Cathy!

  5. Love the snow but it can be a hassle getting around preparing for Christmas. I don't believe there has been any snow on the ground for Christmas in years.. you are sure to have some left over. Enjoy your weekend and the season, Cathy!

  6. Such beautiful snow! And, that video is so incredible sweet -- I love how the ribbons look like they're dancing to the song :).

    Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful holiday with you family!

  7. How many snow days does your school build in? We have 3, and have not used any yet. I love that video. That shot from your house into the street brings back memories. Happy Holidays, Cathy.

  8. That is a ton of snow! We have seen barely any snow at all and hardly any last year here in Kentucky. I'm not complaining, but my kids sure are! Love the family photo around the tree. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  9. What a darling post, love seeing your family tree outing shot and the video. It has been lovely getting to know you this year Cathy, and can't wait to continue our friendship in 2013! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
    xo Nancy

  10. Whoa! Nothing like a white Christmas to put one in the holiday spirit :)
    Have a great Christmas, Cathy!


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