
Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Recap of 2012 {better late than never}

 After a two week holiday break extended by two snow days, the kids are back in school today and I am trying to get my groove back. I'm not gonna lie, it was nice to take a break from blogging and enjoy time with family and friends, but I am ready to embrace 2013 and make it a fun and productive year.  Not being one for New Years resolutions,  I do think it appropriate to reflect back on the year, especially for work purposes and I am excited to say that it has been a year of growth for my business, Cathy Wall Designs. I can also say that I have begun to figure out how this blog fits into the picture; it is my way of showcasing my work, my design aesthetic and who I am. I doubt Room Rx will ever be a heavyweight design blog boasting thousands of followers, but it will be my place to share and to continue to enjoy the fun and friendships that come with blogging.

The past year has been about the wonderful relationships that have formed with incredible clients in the process of creating spaces that reflect their style and needs. Here are some highlights, projects that I am I am quite pleased with. Some of these were done locally and some from afar, but the best part of each of them was the collaboration, which not only made the process fun, but hopefully instilled a bit of confidence in each client for future decorating challenges.











Thank you to all that tune in here on a regular basis to see what is on my mind, you are the folks that have made this journey of blogging far exceed my expectations. And an enormous thanks to all of the wonderful clients who have put their trust in me to help their "rooms feel better," it has been my pleasure to help you enjoy beautiful spaces and the true sense of home that accompanies them.

The year ahead is off to a busy start for Cathy Wall Designs with some new projects as well as some reaching a close and I can't wait to share it all with you here on Room Rx. 

This will also be a year of change personally, first with my daughter heading off for a semester abroad in Chile at the end of January (she will be gone 5 months!), then with my oldest graduating and going off to college in the Fall. I am excited for my kids and nervous about all of the change, yet I know that these events are all part of the process of them growing into adulthood and me learning how to parent while letting go. It should be an interesting journey!
How about you.... what's changing in your world in 2013?

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. Cathy, quite the year you've had. I am so inspired by your work. Good luck with the changes this year. They sure do grow up fast, don't they? Funny, my blog post today has the same title!

  2. Welcome back, Cathy! You had a rewarding year and I wish the same for you this year.

  3. Great accomplishments last year and lots of excitement for this year already. Your Acadia project will continue to be one of my favorites. Here's to an exciting 2013!!

  4. I've enjoyed your year of beautiful transformations, our friendship and your great perspective on life and kiddos! I'll be paying close attention to how you deal with all the exciting changes this year! :)

  5. What a great year! Especially loving November's kitchen. All the best to you in 2013. Here's to a wonderful new year ahead.


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