
Monday, December 3, 2012

Week-end entertaining & a recipe

Since we had a table set up for 19 at Thanksgiving, my husband decided that we should make use of it again and invite some friends for dinner. So we spent Saturday in the kitchen and last night shared a delightful evening with a group of 20. 

My CSIL has inspired me countless times with her thoughts on entertaining in your home: Invite your friends and when they ask what they can bring, tell them "nothing, just yourselves." Provide everything and treat your guests to a special time. We planned our Sunday Dinner with that in mind.

Two kinds of lasagna, a couple of salads, home made bread, lemon cake for dessert and a simple table set for the whole group and I believe we hit the mark. As a nod to the Thanksgiving act of saying what you are thankful for, we asked everyone to share a little known fact about themselves before dinner, what a hoot! Even the kids shared a tid-bit or two.

 After dinner, once the kids moved on to do whatever it is that teenagers do, one of our guests built upon the sharing concept and asked each of us to share the story of our first ever kiss, I have not laughed that hard in ages! 

The take away? If you have been contemplating hosting some friends, just do it, you will be so glad you did. 
To quote my CSIL "it's not the size of your house or the number of available chairs, it's how you make people feel." I am pretty sure our guests, including the teens, left with a smile on their faces.

And that recipe I promised?
Mushroom Lasagna, an Ina Garten recipe shared at Smitten Kitchen.
 Oh my goodness was it delicious and can I tell you, when a 14 year old boy asks if he can have 3rds, I know the dish is a winner!!!!

What is your philosophy on entertaining? We all love a good tip so please share!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. it looks lovely! and my plan for christmas eve dinner was to tie greenery to around the napkins with twine.... now i know i love it! :)

  2. What a fun day/night of prepping for your guests and then enjoying your guests. I love the sharing stories part - that is always so much fun. I've been thinking about doing a Christmas open house the Friday after Christmas and I think I'm going to do it. I always worry about picking a date that everyone can make, but whoever can make it can make it - hence the open house concept. Come for 10 minutes or 4 hours - whatever works. Thanks so much for sharing - especially that mushroom lasagna - gotta try that!!

  3. Your table is lovely. You are so right, it doesn't need to be so hard. I love lasagna....and that is super easy to do. I don't think I would tell the story of my first kiss....if my husband were in the room. I could tell it on my blog, he doesn't read that.

  4. My philosophy is the same, since the house is clean and flowers fresh invite another group the following day! I never pay attention to the number of seats or even the deccor (maybe a tad :)) just the fun company! So just do it! Lasagna looks amazing!

  5. I love so much having everyone tell the story of their first kiss! So awesome! And, what a fantastic evening for your friends! In our next house my non-negotiable is to have a space to entertain more than 2 other people :)

  6. Yum!! I love mushrooms, thanks for the recipe! Your table is beautiful. A sit down dinner for 20 is a daunting task, Cathy! Looks like you pulled it off with style and grace and weren't running around like a chicken with your head cut off like I always am when we entertain. We have an annual holiday open house for like 60 people the Saturday before Christmas and after like 8 years of doing it, I'm still a mess:)

  7. Wow, that recipe looks amazing, gotta try it! Your china is so beautiful and so is your table. I love to entertain but try to do as much of the cooking, etc. ahead of time so Im not stuck in the kitchen, and can enjoy my guests! Happy journey thru the holidays Cathy!
    xo Nancy

  8. Beautiful!! And that recipe looks AMAZING! My tip would be don't worry if your home looks "fabulous" or not. Your true friends won't care and love and caring doesn't cost anything! :)

  9. You sound like the perfect hostess and the menu sounds delicious. I love mushrooms and lasagna so will definitely try this one, Cathy. I have entertained a few times over the past month and never ask anyone to bring anything because it is their time to relax. Flowers, candles (sometimes even the faux candles) and some soft music playing in the background adds to that perfect ambience.

  10. Cathy it looks like a great time and a lovely dinner had by all!! I do not entertain enough...I do like to be with my guests and not in the kitchen the whole time!


  11. What a gorgeous table setting! Of course my eyes went right to the burlap runner ;).


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