
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Staircase and foyer makeover

Often when I am designing spaces for people, they already have a good idea of what they want and simply need someone to corroborate their ideas and help them pull things together. Sometimes, after helping a client with more than one space, that person feels increasingly confident and is ready to spread their wings and make things happen with out me. Such is the case with this client. 

I worked with her on her Stylishly Casual Living Room 

 Then helped her wipe out the builder basic look with the  Kitchen Tweaking project

And once we wrapped those jobs up, this gal was just getting warmed up for the rest of her house. She found a deal on a Mitchell Gold sofa for her FR which she nabbed and pulled together stylishly!

 Her latest project is the makeover of her staircase and foyer. Taking builder basic natural oak staircase and adding a luxe look with applied moulding (installed by my TWBIL John) and paint.

The quick before and after:

Voila, no more natural oak... (well not quite, but a huge improvement)

Love this shot as you can see into the Stylishly Casual Living Room (see the artwork now on the wall?!)

Nice little vignette......

Gallery wall, check!

And because I promised, I am throwing out a question to you, my talented, design savvy readers:
Paint the banister and newel post glossy black? 

I have weighed in on this, but for some reason a little confidence makes them question the sage advice from their mentor!!! So I am interested to see what you have to say....

Another view of the applied moulding wainscoting... didn't John do a fabulous job? (if you live in the Chicago area and need a carpenter, let me know, John's your guy!!!)

Oh and did I mention that the inside of the front door got a few coats of glossy black???

Sumptuous.... and the reason for considering the black handrail and newel post.... (did you decide yet?)

Didn't my client do an incredible job of adding richness and character to this area of her home? 
I love it when I can help a client feel secure in their decorating choices and compelled to "go it alone!"

(I'll let you know in the comment section what my sage advice was regarding the banister and newel post, after you share your thoughts!)

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. You have the most talented In Laws'. My SIL can make a great martini, and I am grateful for that. I am facing this decision in my own home, and think I am going to put a dark stain on the railing. Looking forward to your thoughts.

  2. Nice!! Great job to all involved with this one - it looks great. I also like the addition of the two stools under the table in the entry. I think painting the banister and newels posts black will make John's gorgeous work with that moulding pop even more, so I say go for it! It looks fantastic.

  3. What beautiful spaces --- it's amazing how the tweaking that you did really changed these rooms and brought them from basic to fantastic. I LOVE the black front door and YES I think the bannister and newel post should be black. It would be beautiful and classic!
    Thank you for sharing this today of all days - you helped me decide about my own project!

  4. it all looks so beautiful! i love the rug in her entry and the little bench, and love teh molding and new lamp! it all looks awesome!!!

  5. Absolutely stunning, my friend! I think I remember when you first posted that entry saying the posts and railing needed to be black, still think it would be give it that gorgeous timeless style!

  6. Ooh, so pretty! You taught her well! :)


It makes my day when you share your thoughts!