
Monday, February 25, 2013

Client kitchen update: chalk paint and refrigerator cabinets

Back in September when I showed you a kitchen update project I was working on I promised to show progress "soon." Apparently the way I measure time, soon = 5 months, so I guess it is about time I shared! Since I have not taken a full compliment of after shots, today you just get some details. These clients are a very handy and motivated DIY couple and while they hired out a few things, they did most of the work themselves. 

Just to remind you of where we started, the kitchen before:

First things first, after my initial design board, my client found some fabulous art photos by Jill Bedford Photography at our local Art Fair on the Square  and these became the inspiration for the space as well as giving life to the color direction. As you can see in this photo, the dated wallpaper has disappeared and was replaced with a textured, paintable paper. We opted to go this direction in order to avoid the mess and effort involved in repairing the walls after removing the old paper, and the result is fabulous.

Next up, a DIY project, the fridge cabinet... A new refrigerator was in order and to give it the upscale built in look, a new cabinet was built (by my client I might add, as he built the existing cabinet next to it) giving additional storage as well as a custom look.

Finally, the table and chairs. Remember we were going to banish the burgundy and green and add  some life to this kitchen? 

A little bit of DIY chalk paint and fabric later and check out the updated look of this set!

The results in the kitchen are just what my clients were hoping for and they have been a joy to work with. They trust my suggestions and waste no time in putting their spin on things and implementing. I promise to get some after shots that show the full effect of the makeover.

We had a busy week-end with a visit from some out of town friends on Friday night and a progressive dinner on Saturday. Gorgeous sunshine and a fun snowshoe adventure yesterday capped things off. I watched a bit of the Oscars last night and am not sure what to make of this years host, Seth McFarland... I guess we'll see what the media reviews say today. Tasteless as it may have been, I did giggle at the boob song!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. it looks so much cleaner and fresher now! i love the painted table base! and hello new fridge, i love you.

  2. Wow, your client built that cabinet and the new additional cabinet? That is some great handy work I'll say. It looks beautiful. And a great refresher on the table and chairs. This looks really nice. I'm with you on Seth McFarland. He just didn't have that warm feel that Billy Crystal has had in the past - humor with some warmth.

  3. Great job! Looking so much more updated.

  4. Great new touches, and what a professional job on the built-in! Love her choice of art, too!

  5. All of these changes have such a big impact! The kitchen looks 10 years younger!

  6. Very impressive craftsmanship! I have not used chalk paint yet but hope to soon as I bought some a while ago :) I love the color picked for the table! Snowshoeing is on my list of things to do some day - never had the opportunity.

  7. I really need a fridge cabinet like that, it looks so much more custom.

  8. That is as custom as any other I have seen. Much better, and happy client. I was priming while the Oscars were on, and I listened to most of it. I didn't love it.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. What a testament to how great painting part of the table is! FAntastic Cathy, and love the chairs. I've got to try chalk paint myself. I love the inspiration art, and the wallpaper gone-instant gratification! Have a great week.
    xo Nancy

  11. Cathy, the changes are fabulous! I can't believe your client built that cabinet himself - it looks awesome. And I love the color on the table base - so fresh and cheerful without being 90s green. Really pretty.

  12. Hi, Cathy!!! Beautiful updates to the those painted table legs and new chair fabric. Such a great idea to update the walls with more modern/classic (is that an oxy moron?!) wallpaper, looks so much better! And that fridge cabinet is amazing!!

    Didn't watch the Oscars but still watching the Bachelor!! Can't wait to see all the girls dish next week:)


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