
Friday, February 22, 2013

Fresh Fabrics Friday: A DIY for the crib

For all of you mamas with babies and young kids, this post is for you, especially if your little one has taken to chewing on something to relieve that teething pain. Now I am so far away from this that I can almost not relate, but when my cousin Jesse sent me an email with this as the title:
"We are raising a woodchuck!"
I couldn't imagine what she was talking about....
Look at this adorable little girl, does she look like a woodchuck to you???!!!

You may remember my work on the Sweet Girl's Nursery last year, well Sally Jean is now approaching her 1st birthday and is the. cutest. little. one. ever. (but I am biased, wouldn't you say?) I suppose it makes sense that she would be teething now...  but I can't imagine where the time has gone.

I loved Jesse's clever solution to protecting her crib while giving Sally something to "chew on."
 Here is what she did...

My little woodchuck was biting her crib rail...So I

bought pipe insulation and cut it to fit the length of the crib rail.

Used fleece, also cut to the length of the crib rail. Doubled it over like a hotdog bun.

With the fleece draped over the crib rail, I marked (w/ small slits) where each post was.
I put the fleece back on the floor and cut slits 3/4 of the way up, to form "ties". After all the slits were cut, the fleece went back onto the rail. 

I tied each tie twice, pulling each "bow" to the outside of the crib (rather than leaving them dangling underneath the rail) and then cut the tails so they are short and cute :)

So there you have it people, a clever solution to one of  the everyday dilemmas of life with babies. I never had a "woodchuck baby" but if I did I am not sure I could have come up with this... I am impressed Jesse!
No doubt there is a creative 1st birthday party in the works for Miss Sally Jean, I can't wait to see what Jesse has up her sleeve!

Be good and enjoy the week-end ahead my friends!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. That is a great idea. Thankfully Sheila wasn't a woodchuck either but I'll have to keep in mind for baby #2. And wait a minute, can we talk about how fast that went? She is approaching 1 already?! And I'm assuming that's Sally in the car in her snowsuit - that is crazy!! Well she certainly is a cutie and I'm sure she will have a lot of fun on her 1st birthday. Time sure does fly. PS - love the rug in Sally's nursery!

  2. Very smart! Such a clever way to disguise an ugly safety solution.

  3. OH! I wish I'd seen this about a year ago. My nephew went through a woodchuck phase and my sister went the pipe insulation route. The tied on fleece would looked SO MUCH BETTER!

  4. I still remember how creative Jesse was with her nursery ~ cute solution! And, speaking of cute, oh my gosh, she is SO darling!!

  5. That's pretty clever and she is too cute!

  6. There are so many cute babies on the blogs today, I think my ovaries may start working again. Love this idea.

  7. What a great idea! I wish I had thought of this when my girls were small.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Brilliant solution! She's the cutest woodchuck Ive ever seen.
    Xo Nancy


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