
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Adding Style to the Dining Room: Week #4

This week it's all about window treatments in this cozy dining room. 
Based on the room's small size and large built-in, my CSIL & I decided that adding panels to the two windows just wouldn't do. We needed something clean and crisp to add a jolt of color and interest without all of the bulk. Therese is no stranger to cornice boards having used them in her last dining room, so it was settled. That was the easy part, the not so easy part was what they should look like.....

After much back & forth, texting, emailing and pinning.... we finally narrowed it down to 2 shapes.

We chose one and the basic structure was built, thanks to some well specified cuts from Lowes and some sharp jigsaw action by my BIL.
Then the height at which they would hang was determined..... 

 With single minded focus, lots of hard work and attention to detail, 
Therese knocked these guys off and now.....
the final result!

Aren't they gorgeous? And I never cease to be amazed by my CSIL's talent and patience to produce end products like this!  I keep telling her she needs to go into business!!!!

I love the layering of the 2 fabrics and the beaded trim for interest.... not to mention how they perk up the room and give it a sophistication.

Finally, because Linda asked, here are some close up shots of the built-ins with their "curtains." The inspiration behind these was purely utilitarian as with such a small space, not all storage can look picture perfect all of the time, some things are best left behind closed doors so to speak. 
I had used this solution in my office last year and loved the look and function so I suggested it to Therese. She of course, got right on it and gave it a flawless execution, especially with the stripe on the bias!

And as you can see, artwork and a few of the accessories are moving around a bit...more to come on that next week.....

Isn't this dining room shaping up beautifully? I think we may be ready for the final reveal very soon!

What will Therese and I do next? We have nearly wrapped up the first floor in their "new" home... 
Fear not, as they make this home "theirs'" my CSIL and her husband have plenty more projects. 
And of course I will keep you posted on all of them! 

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. I love this cornice board! The details are perfect. This is shaping up to be one spectacular makeover!

  2. Hopefully, Theresa will do a tutorial for those beautiful cornices. Thanks for showing me (all of us) those bookcases. This room is stunning. I can't wait for the full room tour.

  3. Seriously, I think this is my all-time favorite cornice...ever!! The entire room is so unique, truly stunning!

  4. They ARE gorgeous - what great detail. I'm really impressed and yes she does need to go into business. And your teamwork/collaboration is really so fun to see. High fives ladies (and gents). The cornices really polish off this room - it looks awesome.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. love the cornice- classic, but fun with the colors!

  7. I lovez wat she did wit the dinning room ^-^ (im one of Mrs.Winnareds students, she always shows us ur blog post insted of us doing our work xDDDDD) (best teacher ever) and p.s. i love ur wok (:

  8. We love this! My 6th Hour teacher is Mrs. Winnard and she always shows us your stuff! Its Amazing! :D

  9. This is shaping up so gorgeously! I LOVE the colors you guys are using - so bright and fun. And, I really, really like the layered fabrics on the cornices - sophisticated. She really should go into business :)

  10. Wowza! My head is about to explode at all the work these must have taken!! They're beautiful! Love that beaded trim.

  11. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment Jasmine & Rachel! I am glad that Mrs. W. is the best teacher ever and that she lets you look at my blog during class!

  12. That is the greatest cornice and trim. Beautifully, Im impressed!
    xo Nancy

  13. So glad I don't have to choose a 'favorite' of your wonderful projects, but this one comes close!


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