
Friday, March 15, 2013

Fresh Fabrics Friday: More custom pillow goodness!

My love for textiles and fabrics (and well, decorating in general) has me constantly switching things up in my own home, taking a keen eye to what makes me happy and what is bothering me. Since I can't just go out and replace everything I own when I tire of how things look, making small changes is the way I roll. Recently I felt the need to infuse some blue into my living room as it shows up in the rug anchoring the space as well as the artwork. 

Time to change the pillows.....
I fussed, draped, switched, tweaked and did it all again until I landed on the combo of fabrics I liked best. I handed off some fabric and trim to my workroom for a couple of custom pillows and even made one myself. I must say, I am pleased with the result....  

Can you tell which pillow I made? 

Here's a hint: It's all in the singular vs. the plural! 
The leopard pillows are beautifully made with invisible zippers, cording and perfectly sewn trim. The fabric is a gorgeous raised velvet that I found at Calico Corners. My pillow is a bit simpler with an envelope back and a small fabric border on either end, best of all it was made from fabric scraps I had on hand! 

I also need to point out my thrift store finds, the lamp for $7.99 (which I doctored up with some trims) and the large blue bowl $1.99. The blue teacup was part of my Grandmother's collection.

The tea cart was my Mom's and now serves as a bar cart. (Best be careful and mark up those bottles as we have teenagers in the house!) Looking at it in these photos, I can see that it needs a little TLC...
sigh.... a designer's work is never done!

Don't you love how custom pillows and a few well chosen accessories can instantly update a room?

Tomorrow a friend and I are off to an open house at Booth 121 to see what the talented Leah has created. If you live in the Madison / Milwaukee area you should drop in. Get the details here!
Here is a taste of what you will find...

Enjoy every minute of your week-end my friends!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. I love FFF, and yeah for the envelope back. My all time favorite way to make a pillow. I hate putting in zippers. I love the phrase "doctor it up", and haven't heard it around these parts of NJ. Love the pillow and the lamp.

  2. Love the pillows and I certainly could not tell which one you made. You did a fabulous job. The lamp is perfect! Have a great weekend.

  3. Those pillows are great! And, I couldn't even tell which one you made - you did a such a great job. Pillows are such a fun easy update :)

  4. Such a fun combination of fabrics. I need to learn how to sew….being able to make your own throw pillows is such a good skill- you can change up the look whenever you get the desire.

  5. What a great mix Cathy - they look really nice and a perfect mix in that room. I really love your couch too - it looks very cozy. That leopard print is really fun. And you know what I love is that this look is all yours - you won't find this mix of personal touches or fabrics in any other home. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Cathy, I love how new pillows can make your whole space feel fresh again. I wish I knew how to sew. Thank goodness for Target and HomeGoods!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Don't you love bloggers ~ who else would understand the pure JOY of a couple new pillows! They look fabulous, as does your timeless, collected decor!

  8. If I remind myself that it is okay to switch things up now and again it would help alieviate a lot of the indecisiveness I feel when decorating. You don't have to get it right on the first try!
    Love the pillows, love the blues, love that you mark your liquor. Good mom :)

  9. this blog is very informative and very helpful. thanks for sharing this blog with us. :) custom pillows


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