
Friday, May 10, 2013

Patio updates

The stretch of nice weather over the past week had me motivated to pull things together on our patio so that we can finally enjoy spending time out there. I even jumped the gun a bit and did some container gardening (which I will surely regret this week-end when the overnight temps drop and I have to cover everything.)

Yes, those are dandelions, en mass, don't judge! We are a family who does not believe in using chemicals and no person could ever keep up with digging up the number we have in our yard. Our neighbors surely hate us for it.....
I may have to give this natural weed killer I found on Pinterest a try!

Let's stay focused on the patio shall we...

I change things up every year for my patio pots and I rather like the way these have come together.
My plan had been to plant the globe arborvitae in the border, and fill those pots with an interesting combo, but really I just ran out of steam, so that will be a fall project and in the meantime they will be the constant.

There are still a few things I still want to get done out there, ( I even have a DIY project in mind for the small table in front of the loveseat,) but I do hope you have enjoyed a little peek. Finished reveal coming soon!

In the meantime, have you seen all of the great backyard makeovers on the Home Depot blog, 
Here are a couple of my favorites:

You must check these out these spaces, they are are inspiring to say the least! 

Too bad the temps are going to be much cooler this week-end. If we are going to hang out on the patio, it's time for fleece and a fire.....

What does your week-end hold? Make it a good one!


Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design?  I would love to work with you to help your room "feel better."  
Contact me for more information about my design services.


  1. What a great patio update, of course I love your pillow prints! I'm so behind I usually have all my pots finished by this time. Happy Mother's Day, Cathy!

  2. love the soothing yet energetic colors you used (if that makes sense!).. love how it all ties together!

  3. Your patio looks so inviting! I love the colors and the containers are fantastic! :) Have a great weekend!

  4. Looks great! I'm behind, too. This weather is so bizarre lately! Have a great Mother's Day!
    xo Nancy

  5. I haven't had a second to think of my pots, yet. At least I won't have to cover them when I finally get around to them. No judgement on the dandelions....I'm an expert in growing them, too.

  6. I found you over @ Inspired your patio - especially those pillow! looks great!!

  7. I've been working on our patio too -- and have been LOVING all the inspiration over at The Apron blog. Thanks so much for the weed killer link. We are cursed by tons of dandelions too :)

    - Lora

  8. I see dandelion greens on the menu at many fancy restaurants. You should tell your neighbors its your lettuce bed.... ;)

    The pots look great! Thanks for linking up.

  9. What beautiful inspiration pics! I am working on my porch this weekend! Thanks for sharing some ideas:)


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