
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It figures......

Does this ever happen to you???

For ages I was on the hunt for the right piece for the right price for my patio, 
I felt I hit the jackpot when I recently purchased this loveseat

Then yesterday what do I stumble upon? (I wasn't even looking, pinkie swear!) 
A vintage, fabulous, screaming deal set which is the long lost family to my
  curbside finds from last year....

I can't stop thinking about them...

Any advice for how to sweet talk my accountant husband into letting me buy these babies so they can come live forever on my patio??? 

My fun little Mid - Century chairs are lonely....

First things first, I'd better send a message and see if by chance, the set is still available...
Wish me luck, on all fronts!


Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design?  I would love to work with you to help your room "feel better."  
Contact me for more information about my design services.


  1. yep, you need them! you can resell the loveseat or use somewhere else, because you need these! :)

  2. You NEED them. Mr. Wall are you reading? These are fabulous and so unique. What about just the chairs? But you have to have the settee too - that's the best piece.

  3. Go get them!! Tell him you will sell the other one that you have.

  4. My philosophy and favorite quote:
    'It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.' Good luck!

  5. Oh wow, that set is so perfect and so awesome! You can definitely sell the cute loveseat :)

  6. Get them and resell the other one!

  7. I like Pam's idea. I have been known to pour my poor, unsuspecting husband a glass or two of wine before bringing up such subjects. It works like a charm! Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. I like Pam's idea. I have been known to pour my poor, unsuspecting husband a glass or two of wine before bringing up such subjects. It works like a charm! Hope you have a great weekend!


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