
Monday, April 29, 2013

Rustic Chic for the 20 something guy!

Back in October I did a "High Brow - Low Brow" post on this sling chair from World Market. 

(Now it is even more of a deal at $99.99, in stores only)

 At the time I started a Room Rx for an imaginary client, using the chair.  My "client" is a guy, who has been working for a while and has just purchased a condo. I thought this chair would be great for the bedroom or office. 
The design has a masculine look, earthy and a bit edgy. 
The idea being to invest a few more costly, key pieces (the desk, desk chair and dresser) and then bring in the bargain pieces. 
I am a sucker for Kuba cloth and Kilims as well as for texture and a pop of red!

rustic chic

What do you think? Would a real guy similar to my "imaginary client" actually go for a room like this?

Spring FINALLY arrived in Wisconsin this week-end, yippee! We made the most of every minute with a couple of bike rides, FAC (Friday afternoon club) on the patio with great friends and lots of work in the yard. My body is feeling it today, but that's a good thing!


Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design?  I would love to work with you to help your room "feel better."  
Contact me for more information about my design services.


  1. It's a really fun concept for a guy and I'm really digging the hits of red that you've incorporated into the plan.

  2. I think a guy would absolutely go for it, great job and I LOVE the red accents! Spring in Denver too, and our weekend sounded like yours - snow on the way for Wed., can you believe it?

  3. I think this is maggnificent, Cathy! If this "client" has even the slightest sense of style he should love this space. Very trendy, colorful and so comfortable without being overly masculine.

  4. This is the exact space I would want my son to have...if he ever moves out.


It makes my day when you share your thoughts!