
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Room Rx: Office to Craft Room Mecca

Lucky me, one of my lovely, regular readers has hired me to give her small home office the "Rx Treatment."  She is an avid "crafter" and all around creative gal who has been without a home base for all of her creative endeavors.  Her gracious husband gave her the green light to take over the home's office space and we are off and running.  This is a dream project but not with out it's challenges. The long, narrow room measures 8' x 12' 8" and has two doors and a large, almost to the floor window forcing some out of the box thinking in order to get the most function out of the space.

The wish list for the room included:
1) Lots of storage for craft supplies including a large quantity of yarn and other knitting paraphenalia.
2) Enough work surface that my client can craft with her daughter and/ or friends in this space.
3) A desk for a computer or laptop so that her husband or children can use the room as well.
4) Comfortable seating to accommodate all of the above.
5) Appropriate lighting.
6) Functional window coverings for privacy and light control.
7) New flooring.
8) A vibrant, fun look that would reflect my lovely clients personality and creativity.

We had originally discussed replacing the doors with pocket doors, but alas, there was just not enough room in the walls, so door swings will still be a space user.  Below is the floorplan we finally arrived at and agreed upon and includes a mobile worktable that will rest in front of the window as well as a combination of Ikea cabinets and custom pieces (a couple to be made by my TWBIL).  By using only a two smaller upper cabinets, there will be plenty of wall space for housing not only craft supplies but fabric covered inspiration boards and finished artwork.

Without further adieu, onto the Design Concept Board.....

Diane's craft room 2

The transformation is well under way and we are finalizing some of the details such as fabrics, lighting and accessories.  I can't wait to share more details as well as a few in progress updates and "sneak peaks" with you over the coming weeks!  Because this is a local client and I love crafting, I am banking on an invitation to join her and "create" in this space when the project is complete!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. Looks like an exciting challenge..look forward to seeing more.

  2. Hi, love your concept boards! I think I found your blog through the Handmade Home, it looks great. Looking forward to seeing the end result of this office makeover. :)

  3. This is very exciting - I like seeing how rooms evolve like this. I found you from A Room with a View.


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