
Monday, August 8, 2011


Today over at Cottage and Vine, Rene is hosting her first ever linky party called "Room by Room."  This month the party is all about entries and foyers, so I thought I would join up. I have posted about my entry previously, sharing my "grasscloth" wall.   I figured I would freshen things up a bit and share some additional photos of the space.

Here is what you have seen before...

We recently got a new front door which lets in much more light.  I am delighted with how it looks and even though this photo does not do it justice, it makes the space much brighter, so mission accomplished!

The chest of drawers was a freebie given new life with a few coats of paint, nail head trim and new hardware.  I always keep something pretty and seasonal in the large vase.  Today I have some hydrangea from my garden. The tray corrals the mail and other "stuff."

The antique "buggy bench" was my Mom's and I love having a spot to sit and put on my shoes or drop my bag. 

The floor tile is something I am not crazy about, but since it is embedded in concrete and would take a jackhammer to remove and lots of $$ to replace, we have made it work.  And, it is a little quirky, which  I like!
What I love about my foyer is it's size, it is spacious and welcoming as well as functional so it works well for our family.

Thanks Rene for hosting such a great little soirée.  I love a good party and can't wait to see which room we will party in next month!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. love the red. I'm a red addict myself :) Visiting from VandC today - beautiful entry.

  2. Thanks for joining the party Cathy! I'll bet that adding the door with sidelights really did brighten the room. Love the nail head trim on the chest.

  3. I love the detail on the front door and the nailhead trim is fabulous! Also love that you have your mum's bench. Also joined the entryway party at Cottage & Vine.

  4. You're right, the tile in the entryway is really different and fun. And the door! It's perfect! Worth the wait.

  5. Love the colors and artwork in your entry! It's colorful and welcoming. :)

  6. You have a beautiful entry way - and spacious is right, that's great! And I really like the floor tile too.

  7. Finally something that isn't country. :) Love your quirky fun sense of style. The art work made me smile and kudos for the rug at an angle.


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