
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A whole year!

I just about missed it....but yesterday I realized "hey, I started blogging about a year ago!" Sure enough, September 29, 2010 to be exact, was the date of my very first post, so last Thursday was the actual Room Rx Anniversary.What a year!  I have learned so much, technical, computer and technical things, blogging etiquette, things about myself (I actually enjoy writing and sharing my inspirations,) that blogging is a time consuming, slow to develop, but rewarding process, that I need to work on my photography skills, that it is OK to not post every day, that not every post will inspire people to comment and the list goes on.

I began this journey with the goal of creating an on-line presence for and growing my business, Cathy Wall Designs, as well as a place to share a bit about my design aesthetic. I believe I have accomplished this, yet I am occasionally dissatisfied with the fact that the process is so slow and painstaking. My business has grown, but not at the rate I anticipated by having a blog (perhaps an unrealistic expectation), my blog readership has grown, but also at a pace that is different than what I expected, I've had moments of  frustration, thought about quitting and yet, because I enjoy the process and have begun to find a routine with posting (among other things), I have kept at it.

What draws me to blogging is the community of like minded, talented, wonderful people. In my wildest dreams I never anticipated this benefit of blogging, new friends!  Think of that class in school, where once your project was complete, you displayed it in front of everyone for critique.....We are always most critical of ourselves, but these caring, insightful individuals found reason to be impressed with your work. They complimented, found positives you had never considered and helped you see your work in a different light.  That is the heart of blogging, the folks who come back day after day, take the time to comment when they are inspired and generally give you the inspiration to continue, to improve and to find satisfaction with what you are creating.

So now it's time to set new goals, to look at the year ahead and decide what is next and how blogging figures in to help me to accomplish it all.  My husband has been so supportive and patient, which has helped me immensely and cements the fact that writing Room Rx will continue to be part of my "job!"  Thanks to all of you for coming by each day, I couldn't do it without you!

In honor of my "anniversary" I decided to make some new pillows for my living room sofa (the one hardly anyone in my family uses).  I forgot the before photos on the sunny day that I took the afters, so you'll have to make due with the "4 years ago before."  I made all 3 pillows with remnants of fabrics and trim I had sitting around from other projects....I must say, I am pretty pleased with how they turned me, they aren't perfect, but that's ok!

 What about you, what is the thing you like the most about your blogging experience, either reading them or writing one?
Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. Congrats! I totally agree with some of the things you've expressed. I love blogging, but it can be frustrating and very time consuming! I've told myself many times that my blog has to be for me, and that I do it because it's a creative outlet for me. If it stops being those things to me than I need to step back reevaluate.

  2. Congrats on making it a year! Your new pillows are cute too. I've found the blogging community to be so helpful and nice and an amazing source of inspiration. Here's to many more years of blogging success!

  3. Happy bloggy birthday!
    And, I love the pillows ... they're beautiful.

  4. What a huge accomplishment Cathy, congrats on your year of blogging! I was always a reader at first but then I became a writer and it was one of the best decisions I've made this year. I never would have thought I would have "met" other bloggers that would inspire me and support like what I've found, but it's amazing. I continue to blog because I love it, but like you I'm not going to be bothered if I miss a day or two. Congrats again and I look forward to whats in store for Room RX this coming year - you (and your blog) have certainly been an inspiration for me so thanks for the good read!

  5. First of all...LOVE the new pillows! I am not sure what I like the most...reading or writing. Reading is easier but the writing does give me satisfaction after I am finished. For me I do love the relationships with other bloggers :)

  6. Congratulations on your "blog-iversary". I enjoy meeting new people and seeing each of their contributions to the blog world. Link parties have been a great way to see/meet many creative ladies!

  7. I love that you celebrated with new throw pillows, that is my kinda girl!!! (Totally jealous that you made these, that is one of my goals in life, to be able to make my own pillows!) Congratulations on your year anniversary! It seems like you have been around much longer that should be proud for having already established this much of a presence and following, etc in such a short amount of time. You are right though, blogging does take an enormous amount of time and some times the numbers don't seem to be worth it. But I guess we have to look at all the unmeasurable benefits, like friendship and sense of accomplishment and all that good stuff. I started blogging to help my invite business, but its taken me places I never would have thought. I love that I can look back, for instance, and read about how much Maura has changed month to month. If I didn't hold myself to posting about it, I don't think I would have taken the time to record all those details. Great post, Cathy!!! Now you've got me thinking. So glad you are here in blogland:)

  8. That's a milestone..congratulations! The pillows look great! I enjoy reading and writing (although so much to share and so little time) but on the whole I think everyone is so supportive and almost nurturing of each other which is important.

  9. Congratulations on your blogiversary. :-) Mine is coming soon. I'm so glad you came on the scene! xo


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