
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Room Share: A Cozy Sunroom

Today I am sharing the delightful sunroom in the home of some local clients who I worked with on this Room Rx project and this one.  This room was the staging area when the family first moved in to the home. Beautiful bones, with solarium windows on two walls and a tall ceiling, make it bright and airy, ripe to become a cozy sitting area.

Other than a few suggestions, I can not take credit for how this room turned out.  My clients pulled things together themselves using several pieces they already owned as well as a few well thought out purchases, the first being the four club chairs and the round coffee table.  Initially, an already owned rug was pulled into duty, but it was not quite right due to size and color.

With the right rug under foot and some standout accessories and artwork, this sunroom is not only cozy, but comfortable. The color story plays well off of the nearby dining room and living room, bringing in the soft blues, brick red and neutrals.

The subway art makes a huge impact on the paneled wall with a low ceiling, placed on either side of the beautifully crafted book case.

Using four chairs circled around a round coffee table is a fresh way to outfit a room like this.  Perfect for grabbing a "cup of joe" and reading the Sunday paper or for sharing a glass of wine after a long day.

Didn't they do a fantastic job creating this welcoming room?  I am always delighted when after working with my clients, they feel confident enough to forge ahead on their own in pulling a room together. I just love how this one turned out.

Do you have a lot on your plate this week with Thanksgiving only three days away?  I have a list a mile long, so I am off to get a few things accomplished today, including the very un-glamorous visit to the grocery store for my turkey dinner fixin's.

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. Wow, what a gorgeous room that I would love to have. I love the seating arrangement in here and you're right perfect for coffee in the morning, wine with friends, or a board game with the family (I love board games) all while being able to watch the outdoors from the inside - even better!! The subway art is really cool - I'm always a big fan of that. Thanks for sharing Cathy and good luck with your grocery shopping - Monday morning is probably a good time to go.

  2. I could picture sitting in there with the sun streaming in! The rug was a beautiful choice and the subway art makes a great statement, such an inviting space!

  3. What a gorgeous space ... those windows are AMAZING! I love how that they chose four chairs ... such a perfect cozy seating arrangement.

  4. Beautiful space. Your clients did a great job pulling everything together. The windows are ah-mazing!

  5. This is a fabulous room with so much natural light. The seating is a perfect scale with that space.

  6. What is it about graphic black and white art that really makes a space shine!!! The rug was a hit also.....


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