
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Table set for Book Group

Last week I hosted my book group meeting and decided to set a simple Fall table for my "Lovely Lunas" (as we call ourselves). I used what I had, including my collection of vintage sterling and pewter napkin rings, casual dinnerware and ruby colored cloth napkins.  A cute white Halloween pumpkin as well as leaves, acorns and feathers I gathered added to the look.  I made the burlap runners for my Thanksgiving table last year  and found a scrap of fabric in my stash to bring in the bit of red my table needed. I think it turned out nicely and the "Lunas" appreciated it. With a few tweaks, this table setting will be the foundation of my Thanksgiving table tomorrow.

We had a delightful evening and while our conversation veered from what we had read, it was thought provoking and interesting as always. We usually meet on meet on Thursday nights at a member's home and dinner is typically served.  Our December meeting is always a themed pot luck with a sock exchange! Each year I look forward to not only purchasing a unique, warm pair of socks and other goodies, but to receiving the same, (though the trading can get a little crazy)!

Do you belong to a book group?  What is the format for your meetings? Do you share a meal or just snacks and conversation?

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. I used to belong to a book club but then we all got married and started having babies and it kind of fizzled - I'd love to get into it again. I'd also be interested as to what has been on your reading list for the Lunas. Your table looks so pretty and I bet the Lunas had a great time. We always did a potluck and switched up the venue as well. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  2. Love the table setting, book clubs are so fun, enjoy the day!

  3. Pretty table! Perfect planning to be able to use it for Thanksgiving, as well. Happy Thanksgiving, Cathy!

  4. I miss being in a book group with you! I always loved how we picked unusual books, and the discussions got so, well, let's face it, unusual! My current book group is full of people who say things like, "The type was too small" and "I didn't like how everything got resolved in the end" and (my personal favorite) "They spelled some of the words funny--I thought they were typos until I looked them up and found out they were the British spellings." (eye roll) So at the next meeting I'm going to close my eyes and imagine I'm sitting at a beautiful table with my beautiful friend Cathy and I'll have my own discussion in my head. As long as I remember not to move my lips or respond out loud, I'll probably be able to pull it off!

  5. Your table looks amazing! I LOVE the feathers .... such awesome texture. Have a great Thanksgiving! :)

  6. It does look fantastic! :) You did a great job. I wish we had a pretty table to set... after we renovate our kitchen in the future it will be much easier! :)

  7. love that white pumpkin in that large urn/bowl. what was your book club book?

  8. Can I come to your sock exchange, pretty please???? I told my kids the only thing I wanted for Christmas was fuzzy socks! How wonderful to have such a lovely group to meet with every week! Thank you for linking up your lovely fall tablescape, I love the red and yellow combination, so inviting!


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