
Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I want to wish each and every one of you a wonderful, family, friends and laughter filled Thanksgiving. Among my many blessings I feel fortunate that each of you stops by to visit Room Rx. Through your comments and emails, I feel I have made some lovely new friends and for that I am thankful.

Today I have a recipe for you....yesterday I shared my book group table setting for our monthly meeting, which I hosted.  We are a small group and our book selections and gatherings are pretty loose, but no matter what, a simple meal and some great conversation are part of every meeting. Comfort food is always on the menu and my dish of choice was a Chicken Pot Pie,  a recipe a friend shared long ago, which is now a family favorite. I thought you all would enjoy this recipe, because not only is this great with chicken,  it is a wonderful way to use your left over Thanksgiving turkey.


(Serves 4)
· 1 Small Onion, minced
· 1 Stalk Celery, minced (I substitute red pepper)
· 2 Zucchini, minced
· 1-2 Carrots, minced
· 2 TBSP Parsley
· 1 1/4 TSP Sage
· 1 TBSP Tarragon, scant
· 6 TBSP Margarine
· 1/4 Cup & 2 TBSP Flour
· 1 3/4 Cups Chicken Stock
· 3/4 Cup Heavy Cream ( I use 1/2 & 1/2 or a combo of cream and skim milk)
· 3/4 TSP Lemon Juice
· 2 Cups Cooked Chicken or Turkey
· Fresh ground Pepper to taste
  Prepared Pie Crust (make your own or use a store bought crust)

Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees. Melt butter over medium heat. Sauté vegetables for 5 minutes. Add herbs, sauté additional 5 minutes. Stir in flour and cook until it bubbles. Gradually add chicken stock, stirring. Add cream, bring to boil, stirring; lower heat, simmer 1 minute. Season, add chicken and lemon juice. (Can be made 1 day ahead.) Put mixture in pie shell, cover with top shell and bake in pre-heated oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake for 35 more minutes. Let cool and serve.

Enjoy!  Let me know if you try it....  Happy Thanksgiving friends!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Cathy! Let the holiday season begin. I'm all over that pot pie recipe - thanks for sharing. And I also love that Thanksgiving print too - just realized I have that artist in my Etsy favorites.


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