
Monday, December 26, 2011

Color of the Moment: winter white

My dream of a white Christmas did not materialize...we had a dusting of snow here in Madison and that is all. Call me crazy, but I like snow in winter! Nothing is more invigorating than pulling on warm layers, strapping on my snowshoes and heading out for a wintry hike. Today, since the only hiking I'll do will track mud into my house, I am getting my winter whites through imagery.

We have a few days until the New Year and our various resolutions and goals, but typically each of us can think of some area of our home or life that requires a bit or organizing, so today I have rounded up fresh, clean, white office and desk top accessories in order to inspire that effort.
winter white

click on the images below to link to the product


A few of these goodies could show up in my own office as I still have a bit of work to do in there in order to wrap things up....

What plans do you have to celebrate the New Year? Ours will be pretty low key, just how we like it!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. I hear ya Cathy...I like a little wintery white in my winter too. We haven't really had any snow except at the end of October. Nice round-up of items here - especially as I contemplate organization goals for 2012. Hope you and the family had a very Merry Christmas - we certainly did! And I'm like you, a low-key New Year's sounds good to me - some good food and good company is all I need to stay comfy and celebrate.

  2. PERFECT choice for this week! I especially love it because there is NO chance we'll be seeing winter white on the ground here any time soon :(

  3. Beautiful round-up Cathy! We don't have snow here either, but we drove about 1.5 hours to sled on Christmas Eve. We also drive to that area to snowshoe too. As for NYE, we'll be lucky if we make it till midnight!


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