
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Room Rx: A workspace for two - update

My plate is pretty full these days and like the "cobbler's kids" my own home is the last place to get some attention.  Our office project is plugging along at a snail's pace, but at least the space is usable and though progress comes in dribs and drabs, there IS progress.

I know I shared that we had a change of direction but don't think I showed my revised Design Concept so here goes.... First, for a refresher on where we started go here and for the most recent update go here.

This is approximately our little office's current state:

Here is the direction we are heading, using many items we already own to determine color and style.
A work space for two...

The walls are painted, desk, chairs and wall cabinet purchased, put together and in place, window treatments installed. The last steps are the ones that always seem to take the longest, the details such as artwork on the walls, lighting, etc. I have a few DIY projects to complete and you know me with those, DIY- ADD! So hold tight, the finished product is near..... I promise to show you soon and I promised my husband (and kids) to wrap it all up before Christmas (well maybe St. Patrick's Day or Easter)!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. I keep referring back to the curtains in your office because number 1 I love them but number 2 they are a smart solution. Also been thinking about your file cabinet problem - what did you end up doing with that stumper? And I love that fabric you've put on the chair cushion.

  2. I'll be patient...but I'm so anxious! It looks like it's coming together beautifully, love the stylish fabric choices!

  3. I am working on my study, too, and it is where all my work is done from and you would think it would be the first space to get done - but no! I am excited to see more.


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