
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Stalled..... and an award

After finally settling on how to address the need for a little more storage in our office and a trip to Ikea (2 hours away) last week-end, I was excited yesterday when my husband got started on the final phase of this project. My excitement quickly turned to disappointment when we realized that the box was missing important items like the hardware to put the cabinet together. After waiting until they opened at 10 AM to call, my husband was assured that the parts would be sent out. Cross your fingers that the package, when it arrives, hopefully by Friday, contains everything necessary to get this baby built and hung on the wall....

When we get all of the parts and put it together, here is what we will have, the Varde Glass door wall cabinet.

In other news, a couple of weeks back Carrie from Hazardous Design kindly gave me a "Versatile Blogger" award and with all of the holiday craziness, I am just now getting around to sharing this lovely recognition.

The way this works is that I have to share 7 "interesting" facts about myself and then pass the award along to other "Versatile Bloggers." I hope you don't mind if I change it up a bit and share a few facts and a few of my 2012 goals. If you are new to Room Rx you can learn a bit more about me here and here.

So here goes with a few random things:
1) My hair is totally gray.  Like my Dad, I started to go gray in my 20's and by my early 40's I began to tire of the time and money spent to cover it up. With the help of my stylist, I slowly went to my natural gray, trying to embrace it.  I am lucky that my gray is pretty consistent and of a nice tone and overall I like how it looks and feel good about going "au naturale!"

2) My photography skills are sorely lacking, pretty sad in fact, for a creative person like me.  Even my kids tease me about it, so this year my goal is to improve that through the help of a friend and potentially a class.

3) After reading this article I plan to be better about expressing my gratitude based on the fact that it is such a simple way of  reaping huge benefits for both the recipient and the giver.  I hope to get my kids to be better at this too.

4) I am a collaborator, always putting people together and attempting to make things work.  I feel that we are all connected in some way and that sometimes all it takes is the conduit (like me) to find that.

5)  I love to cook and am pretty good about meal planning and being organized around that. For the coming year, my hope is to increase my mindfulness about what my family and I eat.  I plan to rely less on prepared foods full of sugar, sodium and fat and more on fresh, local foods and integrate more fruits and vegetables into our diet in a way that my kids won't find "gross." Maybe I'll even share a recipe or two here on Room Rx....

6) My 17 year old son who is a junior, will be heading off for a semester at The Conserve School
in early February. I am so excited for him, for all of the opportunities and growth the experience will offer him, but also sad and nervous about seeing him leave "the nest" especially when college is just around the corner.

7) I have lots of great client projects in the works for 2012, so I am excited about growing my business and sharing as much as I can here on Room Rx.

So now to share this award.... I have chosen 4 ladies that I have been so lucky to get to know over the past year, they visit Room Rx regularly, leave comments that make my day and have made me feel that what I share here is worthwhile. In addition, they each have delightful blogs themselves, so if you are unfamiliar with them, be sure to go have a look. The 5th lady is a blogger I have only recently "met,"  her blog is chock full of great projects and ideas that she has executed in her own home and elsewhere.

Holly of West Pear Avenue

Jenn at A Home in the Making

Sarah at Pewter & Sage
Pam of Simple Details

Andrea of Oak Ridge Revival

Thanks again Carrie and enjoy the "Versatile Blogger Award" ladies!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. Cathy, you're the sweetest, what a fun surprise!
    I love your inspiring list, and your beautiful gray hair! I like to cook, as well, and am always looking for something new,can't wait to see what you'll be sharing - oh, easy & quick, too, no pressure! :)

    Thank you, sweet friend!

  2. I think it's so much fun to learn more about my blog friends, so now since you have been so kind to extend the award to me I'll have to start thinking of a few things to share. Thanks so much, Cathy! Your support is very much appreciated and I'm honored to be included in the company of these talented bloggers as well. And PS, I love those curtains and that chair in the office - here's hoping those parts show up very soon!

  3. What a great award ... thank you! I enjoyed learning more about you :). So I was just looking at the conserve school that your son is attending. What an amazing opportunity! In real life I work in environmental outreach and marketing, and just get so excited when to see kids getting excited about conservation.

  4. Thank you, Cathy! What an awesome surprise! And in the company of so many great women, thank you! Oh gosh, I have so much gray hair already...its from my mom's side of the family. I put off coloring it until a few years ago, but now I have to do it every few months:( Congrats on all the client projects for the coming year, so exciting! Can't wait to see what you're up to. Thanks again for the award and for all your support!

  5. Congrats again, Cathy. You are totally deserving.
    I'm with you on #5. I'm always looking for new, healthy recipes to try (and to try to get Chris to eat!).

  6. Loved learning more about you and congrats on the well deserved award!!

  7. COngratulations on the award - truly deserving! Improved photography skills are on my list for this year too as well as being grateful and enhancing my organizational skills.

  8. I love getting to know other bloggers this way. So fun to find out some personal stuff! Good luck with your Ikea parts. I have heard of that happening, but never experienced it. Thank you so much for sharing the award with me. I'm honored to be in such great company!

  9. So fun to learn more about you! My husband started graying in his teens! He's at about 40% now at 35. Excited to see your client projects this year!

  10. oh Congrats!! Nice to learn new things about you!.. ps.. my picture skills suck! lol


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