
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nail head trimmed memo board

Certainly you have all seen how nail heads seem to be the darling of the design blogs, there have been inspirational posts everywhere like this one  and this one. If you are like me, this is a trend you can get behind, or like my friend Pam over at Simple Details, underneath.... how about this amazing nail head ceiling? Go over and check it out, Pam tells you exactly how to do it!
 Simple Details

I had been thinking about recovering a memo board I already had for my office update  and somehow painter's drop cloths and nail heads seemed a good combination, but how to keep it interesting? When Pam mentioned that she was also working on a memo board for a client using nail heads, I knew it was time to stop thinking and start doing.... but I had to be sure about my designs...

 Simple, not sure about the curves....
 i heart norwegian wood

Interesting.... too complicated for a memo board...
Old Plank Road

Too simple?  (God forbid I would choose something too simple!!!)



And voila, my finished memo board!
Cathy Wall Designs

So folks, if you have been coming to Room Rx for a while, you know I have DIY - ADD, so this is not the place to come for the "how tos" or the step by step photos, just ideas and inspiration. I just like to "get 'er done" and managed to accomplish that in an afternoon. Unfortunately it took my hubbie over a week to "get 'er hung," but here she is in all of her glory along with a sneak peek of our office.

While my design is not original, I do think that "imitation is the most sincere form of flattery" and I was crazy about that memo board! I'm very pleased with how mine turned out. And just to be kind, here is a list of what you will need along with a couple of details on how I did it, no pictures, no cost summary just a couple of tidbits.

* Painter's drop cloth - washed and dried about 100 times to soften it up (really only 3 or 4), cut to fit with 3" extra on all sides
* homasote board - cut to size (homasote is a green product made from post consumer paper products) I found mine at the local Menard's Home Center
* staple gun and staples - for wrapping and securing the drop cloth onto the homasote board
* nail heads - I used a combination of the individual and those on a roll, in the shiny nickel finish
* measuring tape and calculator (for figuring out the size of your pattern relative to the size of your board, this is key)
 * metal snips - for cutting the rolled nail heads to the right length
* scissors - (I think you know what these are for!)

The finished piece is somewhat heavy, so my husband screwed it into the wall, locating the screws on the wall studs. Of course I had to make it complicated and have him do this relative to the nail head pattern like this:

That screw will be covered with a nail head, snipped of it's nail.... (neutered?!) and hot glued on top.

Wow, writing a "how to" post is exhausting!  Since this one was so thorough, please comment or email if you have any questions....!

We are almost done with our office, down to the details (and one more DIY project for me), so please be patient, I promise a full reveal in the near future!

Sharing here:

Saved by Suzy
Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. that looks great, cathy! i love the design you created!

  2. wow your friend's ceiling is stunning! I want to go buy a homasote board today and nail head the heck out of it!

  3. That ceiling is crazy amazing!!!!! Love all the new ideas with nail head trim I'm seeing, oh, what can I put them on? Janell

  4. You didn't tell me you were doing an amazing pattern! It's so cool! Can't wait for the final reveal!

    Thanks for the sweet shout out!

  5. This looks amazing! I'm excited to see your office :)

  6. Nice Cathy! I love the design you went with on this one and can't wait to see it in action with all of your inspirations and fun stuff to look at day to day. I've already saved a few fun items for whenever I get my board together and hung up in my imaginary office. ha!

  7. Very cool- not bad for someone with DIY-ADD... funny! I love anything with nailhead trim!

  8. It's gorgeous, Cathy!! Love the design and combo of the nail heads with the drop cloth. It looks so good in your office! (I have no words for Pam's ceiling!!!) I'm not one for taking step by step photos or explaining what I did very well either (you did great here)...its amazing if I can just even get something done, never mind write a tutorial about it!

  9. It looks great! I love your take on it! And hiding that screw, genius!

  10. You did a fantastic job. Now show us a picture of it with all your "stuff" on it ;)

  11. This is AWESOME! I love your take on it. Simple with just enough detail. I'm not one for putting together tutorials either. I tend to jump right into a DIY project without ever even thinking about breaking out the camera. Looking forward to seeing your office complete.!

  12. Fabulous Cathy! I love all the inspiration pictures and also that you decided not to just lay a basic straight border but to incorporate a pattern. I love the idea of using the dropcloth as well. It is funny but I am transforming my desk area and ordered some faux nailhead trim which arrived last week. Great minds...

  13. It looks awesome! I was wanting to do the same thing. Love the mini tutorial.

  14. I just selected you for a Liebster blog award

  15. This is absolutely gorgeous! Such a unique pattern. I need to try!


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