
Friday, February 10, 2012

Fresh Fabrics Friday: What would you do? part 3

Sheeze...a couple of weeks has passed and I feel like it's been so long, I hardly remember where we left off on this "What would you do" journey....! Let's start at the beginning (again), the rug and Roman shade fabric for this client's Dining Room:

and here is what act II was all about, so many choices for the host and hostess chairs in that room....
that brings us to today....

And what did you all have to say?

The top fabric, as voted by all of you, was this one:

  My client's favorite? This one:

A few of you asked questions about the chair that said fabric would be on...  the back side only of this lovely...

Making it the
host with the most

As my Dad used to say (and he was full of quirky sayings, believe me), "goes to show ya, there is more than one way to skin a cat. This fabric, while a "dark horse" with all of you, (yes Chip, my Dad, was an animal lover, hence the many animal references)  it looks fabulous in the room and brings in just the right amount of boldness and color. It also works well with the stripe that will play a role in the LR opening up off of this DR.

I'll keep you posted as the room comes together. The fabric for the window treatments is on order, we are just getting started on the sample boards for the faux grass cloth treatment that will be on the walls and we are working on new lighting and accessories.  The finished space will reflect my client's great sense of style, without being too formal and she is excited.

One last question before I go....Should I continue some manner of  "what would you do" here on Room Rx? Tell me your thoughts as I always love to hear what you have to say....

Have a fabulous week-end friends!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. Ah, the unexpected won out I see. That is something I've learned in a short amount of time working with a few friends is that there are SO many different tastes and preferences out there - we all like something different which is really cool when you think about it. I think the winner fabric does really look great with the other fabrics already chosen - I'm excited to see this pan out.
    I really like the "what would you do" scenario on these posts - I think it's fun. Hope you have a great weekend Cathy! You are quite a talented gal!

  2. I often ask myself, "What would Cathy do?" when it comes to rearranging things. Then I don't rearrange anything, since you arranged it all (remotely) the first time. As for colors and patterns, you know I have no sense of that, so once again, I ask myself, "WWCD?" Generally I have to look on your blog for the answer, so thank God it's here to refer to!

    Love the references to your dad. Good old Chip.

  3. How did I miss the picking of the chair fabric?! I actually really like the fabric your client chose ... I think it goes so well with the other fabrics in the room.

    Even though I didn't play the last round, I think it would be fun to see more what would you do's :)

  4. What a gorgeous chair! She definitely has great taste, all the fabrics have such a classic look!

    I love your series! It's always fun to get different perspectives.

  5. I think this is going to be great. Looking forward to the next installment.

  6. I like this series. It's interesting to see that what the majority likes is always NOT what the client would pick. There are so many different styles and preferences out there and it's fun to compare what I like to what others are attracted to. Have a great weekend Cathy!

  7. I like this series. It's interesting to see that what the majority likes is always NOT what the client would pick. There are so many different styles and preferences out there and it's fun to compare what I like to what others are attracted to. Have a great weekend Cathy!


It makes my day when you share your thoughts!