
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring into Action: progress report

Well things are moving along on my chair project, but not quite as I intended. I had hoped to show you my fabulous paint job on these babies....but 'twas not to be.  The weather has not been cooperating, (too cold and too windy) so while the chairs are primed and ready for color, no spray painting has happened. Because the Zinzer Primer is white, and I don't have a properly ventilated painting location inside, my chairs still look like this...

Now don't think I have just been sitting around eating bonbons and watching the soaps, no siree, I actually made the cushions, but if I show you that first, why in the world would you come back next week for the final reveal?!

Knowing that I need to give you a little something, I made a little Design Concept Board so that you could get a feel for my vision.

mix & match patio

Now you MUST come back next Thursday and see the finished project. I can't guarantee the patio will look like the board above, but I can ASSURE you that the chairs will be completed!

Since there was not much to see on my update today, be sure to go and have a look at what the 11 other creative types are up to this week......

Tiffany - Living Savvy
Cathy (me) - Room Rx 

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. It was super windy here in NJ, too. I did not spend any time outside this week. Speaking of soaps, did you see that Rick Springfield came back the GH! I have a feeling you might know what this means?

  2. Oh so glad to find someone who made as much (little) progress as me! Can't wait til next week.

  3. Tee hee...sitting with your feet up eating bon bons - you crack me up! Not with 3 kiddos at home this week you're not doing that I bet. Oooh...I love your board and that planter is so pretty. I can't wait to get my planters together this year. Are you using PicMonkey for your boards? They look great!

  4. Cathy, looks like we're all about in the same boat! Just proves deadlines don't always work! I love your concept board. It is going to look fabulous. I really like those chairs!

  5. Wouldn't miss it! I can't believe you found those on the curb, how many do you have?!

  6. Your board is really great and at least you got some sewing done. I hope the weather cooperates, I want to see this.

  7. I hate when the weather doesn't cooperate! Here in NY that happens often!

  8. The board has great ideas incorporated in the overall patio design, Cathy. I am sure the weather will settle in time - it is quite unpredictable everywhere right now. I love the drum table!

  9. Looking good so far, Cathy! Sorry the weather has not been on your side though:( Love your board, great fabric!! Can't wait to see the chairs next week:)

  10. Oy, don't you hate it when the weather doesn't play fair? Looking forward to the reveal, love the fabrics you have chosen!

  11. You already made the cushions?! You've made really good progress so far! Hopefull the weather starts cooperating because I can't wait to see them finished next week!

  12. I hate it when the weather doesn't cooperate with my painting plans! I'll be back next week for the reveal :)

  13. The design board is great! I am so bad to spray paint in my garage when the weather is bad. Not the best idea.. but I am very impatient!

  14. Dang girl, sounds like you're rockin and rollin over there! I may be a little envious! ;-)
    xo Becca

  15. You have made me feel better about my (lack of) progress. At least you have a good excuse. Mine is just the result of indecision :)
    Can't wait to see your final reveal this week. From the looks of that mood board, it is going to be a good one!

  16. The yellow polka dots are going to be amazing! Good luck with the wind. I always think I can get by with painting in the garage, think I've done a good job of protecting everything then days later I find a fine layer of paint over everything. Fortunately the spray lands on a layer of dust so it comes off pretty easy - but not on the floor unfortunately. That's how my husband always finds out - the tell-tale discoloration on the floor.... found you through the Spring Into Action - new follower.


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