
Friday, October 12, 2012

Fresh Fabric Fridays: demonic doilies!

Apparently without even trying, my family room is outfitted with on trend Halloween decor according to Country Living....
Country Living

About 18 months ago I framed and hung several of my grandmother's handmade doilies which I blogged about here and  here.

I still love how it looks on this wall and plan to add to the collection. I had never considered it spooky or Halloween like, but multi-purpose decor, you've gotta love! 

Tonight is the cross country pot luck....wish me luck!!! I am not sure what my house will look like with over 100 high school runners milling about and eating. I keep you posted!
Hope you all have an action packed week-end!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. oh my dear lord - 100 kids?! you are getting some use out of your house lately, lady! first a girls night on the patio now this! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

  2. The doilies are not only gorgeous pieces of artwork, but I love that they belonged to your grandma! Good luck, if we don't hear from you for awhile we'll know you're still digging out! Have fun!

  3. What a great idea. I have a few of these lying in my linen closet. Yours have some pretty and intricate patterns. What a great way to preserve them and enjoy them. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I think that looks awesome. I've been thinking about doing the same with some doilies that my Mom passed down to me. Have a great weekend and good luck - give us the scoop on the menu.

  5. i don't get the Halloween connection? Good luck with the pot luck. It actually sounds like fun.

  6. I love how the ottomans are stored under the console. This is a great way to save space and is easily accessible when extra seating is needed!

    Love, Jamie Herzlinger

  7. I love your framed doiles. I did this with some family vintage linens for my relatives one year for Christmas. Even put them between a glass, framed with handles added to make a tray. LOVELY. Hope your pot luck went well.
    xo Nancy


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