
Friday, September 16, 2011

Room Rx: "Craft Room Mecca" Reveal

My regular "Fresh Fabrics Friday" feature has been preempted due to this announcement:
Crafting has officially begun in this room dedicated to creative pursuits! In case you are not up to date on this project, you can read about it here and here.

Let's start at the beginning shall we....? This is the space before, a small, paneled, dark, dated home to craft supplies, books, office stuff, you name it. Functioning, and not too different from many home offices out there, but destined for better things.

And the plan....which includes 3 work areas, one for the family computer, one tall, mobile work surface and one that is the center of it all, spanning the width of the room. Lots of storage was on the wish list as well for this client who knits, beads and does all manner of paper crafting, among other projects and needed a place to organize her books and supplies. 

Ta Da!!!! 
Here it is the space now, with a foundation formed by a mix of custom cabinets and Ikea pieces, cork flooring, a custom butcher block counter, new doors with glass inserts to let in more light and even a place for the dog to hang out when the client is crafting.

Stained wood finishes throughout the home guided our choice of mixing wood and painted surfaces in the room.  The custom butcher block counter acts as the visual glue, unifying the finishes in the space.
We added woven roller shades from The Shade Store for a functional, yet good looking means of covering the nearly floor to ceiling window. The stainless work table seats two and is lightweight enough to move around the room for better access. The stools are adjustable making them function well at the desk or work table.

 Fabric covered memo boards lend the pattern and color to the room.

A custom cabinet was designed to corral the supply of yarns amassed by this talented knitter.

Organized storage was key for ensuring ready access to supplies and materials for various craft projects.  This cabinet is not only organized but looks good, don't you think?

A truly a collaborative project, my client is an extremely creative person with a great eye who needed help with the overall vision and function of the space.  We worked together the whole way, bouncing thoughts and ideas off of one another and fine tuning the details. The room has her signature on it due to the little things such as fabrics, colors and accessories and the way everything was pulled together.  Now it is a space that the whole family enjoys using, and not just for crafting!

It wouldn't be Friday without a "Fresh Fabric" to share so here is today's pick, Kendall in Raven, the backbone behind the "Craftroom Mecca."  Perfect for memo boards, pillows, cushions and more and at a price that doesn't break the bank.... (click on the link below for more info).
 Kendall Raven by Richloom Fabrics

Today I am linking this post of my CSIL's bathroom to the Roomspiration Bathroom Edition party over at Homemaker on a Dime.  This fun little blog party goes on for the next couple of weeks featuring different rooms at different blogs.  Go on over and share in the fun!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. This space looks AMAZING! What a wonderful space for crafting. I'm not gonna lie ... a wee bit jealous here :)

  2. You and your client did a ton in a small space - it's GREAT! I wish I had a space like that to work in. And I loved seeing your floor plan for the room - I just started to sketch our dining room and will add dimensions to it over the weekend. I'm going to have to try a fabric memo board - seems like a easy, fairly inexpensive option for such a functional piece to look pretty!

  3. Holy makeover, Batman! I feel the creative juices flowing and it isn't even my craft room!

  4. I can't craft worth a darn, but I'd be willing to give it a try in this room! Wow. What an impressive makeover.

  5. HOLY COW! You did GOOD girl! No, you did BETTER than good, it's stunning the transformation you made! Way to go! We have the same cork floor! Don't you love it?! :D I am grateful you linked up to Roomspiration: Craft Rooms today! I'm definitely a new follower and I'm sure you will gain a few more today! Congratulations!!

  6. So neat & organized! Great makeover & great work space!

  7. Totally love what you've done here -- so much storage in so small a room. Thanks for the inspiration.


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