
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The little office that wouldn't...

A pair of these beauties arrived on my doorstep last week..... My husband and son put them together and they now reside in our office, along with all of the other "stuff," yikes! I have been thinking, dreaming and talking about this office and the make-over in store for it for months (over 6 to be exact) but somehow things are just not coming together. 
Zuo Lider from Lamps Plus

First, the look of it has totally morphed from the board I originally posted, which is good, the problem is, I keep running into stumbling blocks.  My initial intent was to keep this make-over on a strict budget, which we blew by purchasing the chairs.  My husband convinced me of the importance of chairs that are not only comfortable, but have the features we both want since we spend so much time here.  These chairs totally fill the bill and we are delighted.  

Here is my holdup.... the desk.  The plan is to build a long desk for two along one wall in the room using 3 file cabinets to support it.  We already own 2 of the 3 files but they don't match, not only in appearance, but size (the nicest file is 29 1/2" tall and 30" deep, the main hang up, since most are neither that tall or deep). This has prompted a search and since budget is important, Craigslist is the go to spot.  Well, we have missed the boat on a few potentially appropriate matches, which is actually good.  Of course that got me thinking about whether with my DIY-ADD I was really up for trying to make-over the file cabinets so that they look alike. Not so sure... on to much internet searching to match the nicest file of the two and "whoa Nellie" are they expensive, probably not going that route.  

So the brainstorming and searching continues, maybe two desks with one file between them? 

Go Cart Carbon Desk CB2
 Unfortunately neither of these lovelies is the desired 30" deep...

Maybe some Ikea legs to support either end on the long counter and the file in the middle? Or maybe this whole set up?
Ikea Vika Hyttan/Moliden

After similar drama in finding a counter top, (the length is too long for one piece, which I have come to accept) I think I have that figured out.  Until I can find the right supports for the desk, I am hesitant to order the counter, which means I have not picked a paint color or the other decorative details...... 

Has this ever happened to you?  Have you ever gotten stalled on your own project because you can't find the right item or the pieces just don't fall into place?  I pride myself in my ability to help others make decorating decisions, but I am stuck on my own space friends and I'd love your two cents ...!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. Haha- story of my life! I was at a clients this morning discussing design in theory, versus design in reality- that's were design and real life collide, right? It really is true what they say about the journey being better than the destination- embrace it! (aren't I good at rationalization?)

  2. I'm stuck for you too but will keep thinking. Maybe keep searching Craigs List? You know me I've got a few projects in limbo just searching for the perfect pieces (dining room and master). I like that one West Elm desk. Maybe something will come up on Craigs List where you can get two desks and matching file cabinets. Are there any schools giving away or offices closing that are clearing out furniture?

  3. After the chair, which is so very important, the desk is another key piece which should be large enough for your needs. Since you have the filing cabinets already you should make them work. It is fine if they are not the same size..make them the same color to draw attention away from their dissimilar qualities. Sounds like you need 2 (or more) cabinets or you wouldn't already have them, right! Just one may not be enough? At the end of the day, it is about keep costs down. I have the same issues when it comes to my own home :)

  4. I understand your dilemma Cathy. It is so frustrating when you get stuck on a project because you can't find exactly (or figure out exactly) what you want. It happens with just about all of my home projects :). I love your new chairs. I just had to break down and buy an office chair, I wish I had seen yours's much prettier. Good luck with your dilemma.

  5. Hi, Cathy! Well, this pretty much happens to me on every project and that's why I never seem to finish anything!!! I also don't give things as much forethought and planning as you do, so that you be another one of my problems:) My head is kinda spinning reading all your options! It is way harder to do/design things for ourselves, I think, than for other people.

    Just read your Room by Room post...your dining room is beautiful!!!! Love that huge demi-john you have from when you were growing up. And that fabric on the wall is such a statement piece!!!

    Thank you for all your encouragement about Maura....coming from someone with your experience it means alot. Have a great weekend!


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