
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The "Thank You" quilt

Many months ago my husband's cousin from Montana was quite ill and spent an extended time at the UW Hospital here in Madison. My husband and his cousin were very close growing up and have remained so over the years, so while the circumstances were not ideal, we were more than happy to open our home and arms to him and his family during their stay here. Anyone would do this for their family..... so imagine our surprise when during the holiday rush this past December, a package arrived and wrapped beautifully inside was a stunning, handmade "Thank You" quilt and matching pillowcases made by another cousin, sister to our Madison visitor.

The quilt is amazing, expertly put together with lovely fabrics and beautiful quilt stitching (not sure that is the correct terminology). On the back side of the quilt is a tag, personalized for us, and identifying the quilt style as "Irish Chain." We were speechless at the thoughtfulness and beauty of this thank you.... looks wonderful in our bedroom, the colors and fabrics chosen with purpose.

Pulling the room together with the "Thank You" quilt on our bed allowed me to practice a bit with my camera and actually use a tri-pod to shoot some photos.... so don't mind me as I share a little collage of my shots....
 I can not imagine the time and patience that it took to create this work of art quilt and I am more than amazed by the talent of my husband's cousin. I have admired other quilts she has made and can't believe that we now own one.  It is like a warm hug from some of our favorite family members and we love it for that as well.

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. What an amazing gesture! You will certainly treasure this and them every time you see it! Janell

  2. What a beautiful thank you present, so thoughtful.

  3. What a gorgeous and completely sweet thank you gift. It looks amazing on that bed.

  4. Wow! This is like the best thank you ever!! Like you I can't imagine how much time and energy this took to create - what an art! That was really, really sweet and thoughtful of them! It looks so good in your bedroom. Great pics, way to go with the tripod, Cathy!!

  5. That is really special and I can't imagine the thoughts and emotions running through you and your hubby when you opened that package to see this quilt made with love. And you've done a very nice job w/ that tripod - nice work. And I also see a peek of a pretty sconce on the wall too - perfect for cozying up under that special quilt with a good read. Thanks for sharing Cathy!

  6. I'm sure they were so thankful to have your support and the kindness of opening your home. What a wonderful gesture!

  7. Oooh! The quilt is amazing! Have a gorgeous day, Kellie xx

  8. Such quilts are true works of art and this one in not only meaningful but was well thought out and I am sure you and your family will enjoy it for many years. Great photography, by the way, Cathy! I am impressed that you are using a tripod, too.

  9. How thoughtful of both for opening up your home and they for thanking you with such a beautiful piece of useable art!


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