
Friday, January 27, 2012

Fresh Fabrics Friday: What would you do - part 2

In trying to keep things interesting here on "Fresh Fabrics Friday," last week I asked what you would do to pair up a bold print with this embroidered geometric. The fabrics are for a dining room project I am working on, the geometric has already been chosen and will be used for Roman shades.  We need a print to use on host and hostess chairs in order to infuse some color and softness and tie the room together with the living room next door.

Today I have put together a dozen fabrics, including several of the suggestions I had from some of you. (I did not include anything that I knew my client would not go for, or that I had already shown her.)  My client is fun, loves color and is not afraid to try something bold.

Your challenge? Pick the fabric that most appeals to you and will accomplish the job. Let me know by commenting below or sending me an email.

To refresh your memory on the project go here. But to further help right now, this is the window fabric paired with the banded rug.

which would you choose

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 13

(Obviously I can't count as a dozen is 12 not 13, but I am too lazy busy to change it...)

Remember that computer screens are not the perfect place to choose fabrics as colors are not always accurately represented, but it sure helps in the search process. Once you have shared what you like, I will order swatches and memos of the fabrics I don't have and we'll go from there. I am also going to have my client weigh in. More next time....

Have a fabulous week-end, thanks for stopping by and be sure to visit next week as I should have a little peek at the progress on the Room Rx for this nursery.
Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. i am not a floral gal so i think i would choose number 11! i love the edginess!

  2. I'm really drawn to 2 and 5 for this project. But I think 2 would be really lovely - that is my favorite of all 12. I love how you keep springing off new ideas with this series Cathy. Have a great weekend!

  3. Sorry, I am just jumping into this. Did you show us a picture of your hostess chairs? Is it the seat cushion for your current set..or something new? Not knowing all the details, of the ones you chose, I would pick 11...but I'm not in love with it.

  4. My first instinct was to go with number 2 - so number 2 it is!

  5. #3 Thibaut all the way! I love that fabric and have it sitting in my swatch box here.

  6. I love the boldness of #1, but realize that isn't everyone's taste. #5 and #9 are also favorites! Great choices, Cathy!

  7. I'm torn between #1 and I'm so curious to see which is your client's favorite.

  8. Five- picks up a hint of red from the trim of the floor rug and the undertones of the wood floor. Pulls blue and the cream from the drapes. Brightens your scheme. Might be your camera, but your room looks dark. So, this should lighten it up. I think you're missing a stripe in your fabrics though. Maybe a nice stripe in your trim on the chairs for something different. Or a stripe in your other pillows. :) Nice choices.

  9. Cool, Cathy!! Now this is for me, since I don't really have to do any work other than look at all the pretty options:) I think I like #5 the best. It's that large scale floral that I was thinking of, it incorporates the blue from the new wall treatment, red from the rug and even some green to tie into the other room. And I think it will add some light/freshness to the space. Unless maybe they have kids and are worried about the chairs getting dirty quickly/stains, etc? Thanks, this has been fun!!

  10. I have been thinking about this...fabric is a long slow process for me. Obviously, computer screen color change set aside,how about something like this

    Ha, this is fun!


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