
Monday, February 13, 2012

Room Rx: A Cheery Sunroom - update

About a month ago I shared the before shots and my Design Concept Board for my client's Cheery Sunroom here. Things are moving along with this room so I thought I would share a little peek at our progress. So you can remember where we started, here it is...

 The room has been painted, (hard to tell, but the new green has more yellow than the previous color and the trim and ceiling have been freshened up as well) the rug, chairs and side tables purchased and added.

We brought in the sewing table from another room and I love the charm that it adds. A finish carpenter will be  updating the top, removing the lift top piece where the sewing machine used to be housed and adding a piece that fits flush.

The basket is for books and magazines and the lamp is filled with seashells collected by this family on various vacations.

We are waiting on custom pillows for each of the chairs and an upholstered ottoman to anchor the seating area. There is also a desk in the room, my client's "command center," which needs to be outfitted. Our plans for that includes refurbishing a chair that was part of the set in her kitchen when she grew up and adding a memo board.

In case you were wondering, the starting point for this room, and truly for the other rooms we are updating in this home, is this delightful rug from Company C, the Dandelion Rug.
The color story was pulled from a painting in the kitchen which opens up right off the sunroom...
(not the best photo, but you get the idea!)
Previously, this family rarely used their sunroom and now that it is coming together, it feels happy and fun, making it the perfect spot for a cup of tea, reading a book or getting organized for the week.

I've blogged here, here and here about the Dining Room in the home and will share more soon on the other rooms we are updating. This is truly a delightful project which I am so grateful to be working on! What fun projects are on your "docket" these days?

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. i think that rug just totally makes the space! so fun!

  2. What an impact that rug makes and the the texture from the chairs...perfect! Can't wait to see the ottoman! I bet they're thrilled to be using such a nice the space!

  3. Looks much more pulled together. Bet they are glad they have you!

  4. What a difference! Love that yellow garden stool and mixing in the old sewing table. That shell lamp is great too - I just found one at the thrift shop! Following on GFC and the new Linky now!

  5. Great progess, Cathy. You can see the difference in the paint colors. The rug definitely grounds the space and I love the garden stool..been contemplating one for my living room, in a different color.

  6. There is so much to love here! Where do I begin? You've really pulled the space together. That punch of yellow in the garden stool may be my favorite element in the room. I also love the basket under the sewing table. I can't wait to see the room with the pillows on the chairs!

  7. Cathy, the first word that came to mind when looking at the progress is POLISHED. It really looks like there was a lot of thought into the space planning and the functionality. I can't wait to see the rest of the accessories and that ottoman come into the room as well. And this is the same family as the dining room - how fun! Great taste by designer and family! I'm hoping to get a few projects under way soon...we shall see.


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