Some time ago I shared my plans for helping my in-laws with their move in Project Downsize.
Today I thought I would give you a progress update on the main living area.
Now mind you, we are not finished in here, there are still many details needing some tweaking,
but I thought you would enjoy seeing where things stand.
Remember where we began?
Therese and I (aka: The Committee) landed on move in day and helped direct the movers as well as began to place and install furniture, window treatments, art and accessories.

I even had time for a little DIY...
recovering a couple of chair seats!
I am so pleased with the happy combination of patterns and colors. And to think, a pair of chairs upholstered years ago and hardly showing signs of wear, were the starting point for the color story.
Thank goodness for the fab, well priced Pottery Barn rug, which was the first find
and the gorgeous window treatment fabric which created a focal point from the front door
and further inspired the choices throughout the rest of the home.
Last time I spoke with my father-in-law,
he told me that he liked the new place more and more with each passing day.
Considering they spent 40 years in their former home, I can't tell you how happy that makes me!
On the do to list?
+ Of course some pillows from Therese Marie Designs
+ A DIY upholstered footstool+ Paint for the media piece which was custom made by my BIL
+ A new coffee table
+ Custom photos for the 2 large, empty frames over the media piece
So, after my next visit to see my MIL & FIL,
I promise to take more photos and reveal the finished room.
In the meantime, it's fun to see the progress isn't it?!!
Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? I would love to work with you to help your room "feel better."
Contact me for more information about my design services.
it has come a long way already! he flooring and trim make a HUGE difference and i love the placement of art.
Good to know that the coffee table will be going. It's 45 years old and I never liked it in the first place! Everything else looks great and I know my parents are pleased!
It's great! So light, so current, so YOUNG! I love the vintage bird prints on the one wall and the rug is beautiful - that really is pretty and brightens the entire room. Nice work everyone! Can't wait to see all of the finishing details.
The art over the sofa is my favorite! The room is beautiful and I think it is really meaningful that your in-laws are enjoying it!
Don't be a hater, Tom. Uncle Jim refinished that table just for our parents. WHAT IF HE READS CATHY'S BLOG???
Hi, Cathy!!! Sorry I haven't been around in awhile! Had to come outta the woodwork to comment on this...its just so good!! The Committee is doing such a fabulous job! I have loved those Ballard Design bird prints for forever...I think I even used them in a MBM mood board a while ago, so pretty! Love the new, sleek white tv console and that PB rug was such a good find!!! So nice that you guys are helping your in-laws feel at home in their new space:)
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